12-11-2011, 11:25 PM
大学に入る為に一生懸命勉強します sounds fine to me but I wouldn't say 大学に入るように一生懸命勉強します. I'd say 大学に入れるように一生懸命勉強します.
But...what's the difference? Hmmm...
I think (〇〇する+)ために is rather polite and preferred in a written style, while (〇〇できる+)ように sounds a bit colloquial. (Wait, you can also say 大学に入れるよう、一生懸命勉強します, which would sound more formal and bookish.)
I think it's something similar to the difference between 'I'll study hard (in order) to pass the entrance exam' and 'I'll study hard so that I can pass the entrance exam.'
Last edited by Sumippi : 12-12-2011 at 03:03 PM.