Originally Posted by Ryzorian
You say this, "reaping the benifits of being white", yet choose to ignore what it cost us to be that. Killed each other en mass, hated by most the world as "imperialist war mongers", we were barbarians and in some ways still are. Each white, deep down, want's to rule the world. Isn't that how everyone else views us?
I'm German, but that doesn't mean I'm a nazi. I'm Russian, but that doesn't mean I'm communist, or a drunk barbarian. I'm white, but that doesn't mean I want to rule the world. In fact, I'd like to become of service to other countries... Like Japan.
The people living
right now are responsible for
their own actions. Not their ancestors. Your race doesn't define who you are, and most certainly won't define how you live your life or your future. You are who you want to be.
As for anime lovers...
I don't have a problem with that, to some degree. At school, the "manga lovers" don't want to talk to me because even though I love Japan, I don't read manga or watch anime. They claim to love Japanese culture, but they only love the cartoons.
I'm a future foreign exchange student (I'm either going to Japan this coming August, 2012 or the next in 2013... for a year) and the other foreign exchange students think that I only want to go to Japan because I love anime. I get called "close-minded" all the time by them, and they tell me to experience "real culture"... in Europe.
I've wanted to go to Japan since I was 5 years old. Really, my mom remembers me obsessing over it for that long. I was always drawing pictures of geisha... Dragging her into Japanese antique shops, and the like... So for someone who doesn't even know me to claim I only want to go to Japan because of anime really ticks me off. It upsets me that a lot of anime lovers set that view of the rest of us who genuinely love Japanese culture, but it's even sadder that there are those who choose to not believe it.
And their race didn't matter. They all said the same thing ;P