Originally Posted by RustyBlackleford
I think that you're full of it. You just want to come off as holier-than-thou, but let's be honest: most people don't get along with certain races, especially Blacks.
Where do I come across as "holier-than-thou"? I am not a religious person at all. If you know me I don't want to "come off" as anything.
I don't agree with your assertion that "most people don't get along with certain races". In fact my experience is quite the opposite. I don't associate with people that hate, dislike or "don't get along" with certain races, and I have a full life with many friends.... Black, White, Asian, Latino, etc... and none of which "don't get along with certain races".
I think my experience is more prolific than yours....at least I certainly hope so.
You don't have to believe me, as there is no way I can "prove it" to you. But just know this reality exists. And none of us hate ourselves, much less each other. It's pretty sweet, dude.