Originally Posted by chiuchimu
Why not date a nice Indonesian girl?
Seriously, I'm Japanese living in California. There are other Japanese people here but we are such a minority that on a day to day bases, I rarely chance encounter another Japanese. If I was to limit myself to Japanese only, I would be seriously limiting my options.
Besides, we Japanese are of mixed Asian decent. Being Japanese is really about the culture, not the genes. what about looking for a girl interested in Japan?
I live in europe. yea i rarely see japanese too.
I want to adapt more in japanese cultures

so only a real japanese girl are my choices.
not many speaks english xD!~and my japanese is going nowhere >.>
too hard for me.. to look ..kekekekeke~~
it's not about the looks that i look for

. there's lots of indonesian girls who have the japanese looks.
Below is a indonesian girl xD!~