Originally Posted by Sangetsu
There is no point hating her or any other woman. They are what they are, and anyone who hasn't had disappointment in love has either never been in love, or is a liar.
There is no such thing as a "serious" internet relationship, you can't judge a person without meeting them face to face, just as you can't tell if a pair of shoes is comfortable until you wear them.
The best thing you can do is to walk away, and learn what you can from the experience. Don't waste months (or years) chasing something you'll never catch, forget about her (difficult, but not impossible), and move on. Perhaps she'll contact you and apologize, and you might even work things out. But until you meet face to face, and get to know each other in a normal fashion, your relationship is little more than a dream.
I have been around long enough to have had some spectacularly bad relationships (and a few not-so-bad ones), but eventually I found the right person, and we are happy together.
yea man i learned my lesson xD!~
and i move on.. haha..my friends cheer me up.. giving me weird sites ..lol
i talk to other girls now.. to forgot it