Thread: Hight issues?
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Crystalline (Offline)
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Posts: 20
Join Date: Feb 2011
Hight issues? - 12-18-2011, 09:24 PM

Hello everyone.

I have a few questions regarding possible hight issues while living in japan that i'd like to ask.

I'm 6'2. Will i have any problems ( probably just minor annoyances ) with public transportations? What about being indoors? Specially if most traditional japanese houses have really low ceilings.

I'm just concerned because i've seen quite a few pictures and videos of apartments that gave me this idea that i would have to duck everytime i'd go through a doorway xD Though it may be different for each house/building, etc.

So what's your advice on this? Any big guys out there that have had problems? Or will i be completely fine?
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