Thread: the GazettE
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(#53 (permalink))
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carry (Offline)
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04-12-2007, 07:55 AM

okay now what are you trying to show us with that picie??
that they're all unbelivably hot and we are completly obsessed...cause then yep i'm geting the point xD

okay so...this one's for you have hun your fiance

this one's for obsie-chan^^

this one's for kyochan and nantena^^...who has aoi now?? i'm completly confused so here you have both xDD

okay..this one's for me xDD [my fiance <3]

and then i have a itsy bitsy question...who'll take kai^^...cause if nobody wants him...i'l sacrifice myself and take him too *giggles* [he's yummi]

okay and for the end...hunnie [Jo_kittie] look our fiances together xD [uru has a nice *coughs* ass *cougs* sorry for this but i just can't help it when i see him on this picie]

that's all >.<

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