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masaegu (Offline)
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01-04-2012, 12:09 PM

Originally Posted by Kasper View Post
Hello, I'm trying to write a short thank you message to an elderly Japanese couple who invited me to visit their house for tea and snacks one afternoon a couple of days ago, but it needs correcting I think. The husband was a university professor but I'm not so sure of how to address his wife in the letter, or how to refer to both of them at once. Here's what I've written:
この間は、お八つに誘っていただきありがとうございま した。浅野先生と奥さんと一緒にお話しできて楽しかっ たです。私の下手な日本語を我慢してくれたありがとう ございました。もらったカレンダーは壁に掛けました。
ご迷惑でなければ、また会ったら嬉しいです。浅野先生 も奥さんもの親切に感謝しています。

I wanted to say something along the lines of:
Dear professor Asano and Mrs. Asano,
Thank you very much for inviting me to tea the other day. I was very happy to be able to chat with you both and thank you for putting up with my poor Japanese. I've hung up the calender you gave me on my wall.
If it's not an inconvenience for you, I would be very happy to meet with you both again. I appreciate your kindness very much.
Sincerely, Tilly.

Thanks in advance! I'm sorry; there are probably a lot of mistakes. If you think any of the things I've put (such as that it might be nice to meet again) would be considered too forward or rude, please tell me too. I don't want them to feel in any way obligated by anything I've written.
Thank you and sorry for your trouble.
You need to write this one level higher by using more honorific speech.

奥さん >>> 奥様

お八つ Why use that kanji?

Here are your biggest mistakes by the native standards. You MUST use the honorific/humble/polite for these when talking to your professor.
Just cannot use these two words with your teacher. Sounds very rude and childish.

Make 会えたら polite. Cannot say 会ったら there.

浅野先生も奥さんもの sounds very awkward besides being incorrect. Do something. Where did you learn も + の?

All the members who could possibly help you with this have moved to:
Japanologic Forums • Portal

Further questions should be asked there.

Your Japanese proficiency shall be in direct proportion
to your true interest in the Japanese Mind.
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