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(#2 (permalink))
Supperman (Offline)
JF Old Timer
Posts: 303
Join Date: Dec 2010
Location: Japan
02-04-2012, 02:02 AM

I'm native Japanese speaker.

I know 火炎 well ,but I don't know 婁.
I looked for it in my dictionary, but there is no reasonable explanation.

So I'm on the same place just you're now.

My advice is here:
I think it is impossible to translate.
I don't think that 婁 is Japanese. I think it is Chinese.
The only possible solution is to ask directly to the writer (lyrics writer).

Sometimes lyrics is difficult to understand, even when it is written in native language, right? The song title might be something like that.
The writer chose the Kanji, maybe just because it is "stylish".
Or he chose it, just because of "pun".

We can't guess it.
So I think it is ridiculous to pursuit the meaning unless the writer explains about it.
I googled Japanese websites, if there is any comments on this.
But I failed.

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