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Supperman (Offline)
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Location: Japan
02-04-2012, 02:36 AM

Originally Posted by benhelmuth View Post
I thought of a sentence in Japanese. I have been doing that lately. Instead of thinking it in English I thought it in Japanese. (my first language is english). I am unsure if it is correct or not. And if it is not how I would say it correctly. I am going to use romaji since I have not learned kanji yet. "Boku no aijou wa tsuzuke ni subete naru kara." My mind roughly had that as "My love continues until it becomes everything." as the english equivilant. Any help would be appreciated.
ぼくの あいじょう わ つづく に すべて なる  から

I'm afraid that I don't know what you're trying to say in both Japanese and English.

Does it mean, "I will love you forever, until your heart is filled with my love" ?

If so, the Japanese would be:
ぼくのあいじょうがきみのこころをすべてみたすまで、 ぼくはきみをあいしつづける。
boku no aijyo ga kimi no kokoro wo subete mitasu made, boku wa kimi wo aishitudukeru.
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