Hi, I'm Marjan and am new here at this lovely forum, I'm glad to see how many non-Japanese people are here like me, they have Japan in their hearts.
Yesterday on TV I watched a National Geographic documentary (made about 10 years ago) about the Sumo yokozumas, I was intrigued by the fact that at that time the best sumo fighters were not Japanese, but Mongolian. They were born in Japan though. They said, they are 100% Japanese, which I find to be great
I found out that Sumo has its roots in the Japanese mythology. There were two gods who fought eachother and the winner was the first Japanese. I also found out that Sumo is very much connected with the Japanese official religion, Shintoism. I appreciate that religion principles very much, myself being a religious person as well.
I posted a thread in the Japanese Art part of this forum, in which I tried to explain something about the Christian Orthodox religion. I didn't put the religion itself as the main issue there, but I wrote more about the Orthodox Icons, the ''Holy Pictures'' of the Orthodox religion, which I love and treasure very much.
Those pictures are images of the acting force of the Saints on Earth, they are two-dimensional, and around a Saint's pictured head there is the Aureol, similar to the Asian Holy Pictures. I find this fact wonderful; it symbolizes the commonness of the Religion and Spirituality, the fact that God is One...
I've been professionally drawing My Orthodox Icons for quite some time now, and if you would wish to get introduced to my work, please conntact me ba either sending me a private or not message here at this lovela forum, or you can reach me at my Email address which is:
[email protected]
I hope to have some interesting conversation with some of you here
Thanks, bye,