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(#4 (permalink))
Gobenkyoukun (Offline)
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Posts: 7
Join Date: Feb 2011
Question about translation help - 02-07-2012, 01:52 PM

I also have one last question:

I read on the forum you suggested - that you don't want people to
use translation help like google translate.

I agree in this. However - if I use sentences from dictionaries,
like English to French, Italian, German & Spanish Dictionary - or for instance - if I use a sentence
from these dictionaries (and I inform about it) would you on this forum
and Japanologic forum consider it wrong?

Sometimes when I want to translate something - I need something to
start with - and then I would use sentences used in dictionaries -
and then try to put my own word later in the sentence.

In language learning - a sentence from a dictionary would be correct -
but that from a translation tool like google translate is often wrong.

As long as I inform that "This I used from this and this dictionary"
will it be OK?
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