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(#42 (permalink))
Bloomzy (Offline)
JF Regular
Posts: 91
Join Date: Oct 2006
04-12-2007, 04:59 PM

Originally Posted by kiyori View Post
waaa.. banba!
I love Gyaru (Gal) fashion so much!!
I usually dress like it in London when i go up
to meet my other gal friends. there are a few of us,
Are you on BOOTEEK?

What's your style?
I'm more Ganjiro myself, I don't tan and I like it that way

Originally Posted by Okimoto_Tatsuki View Post
the real truth is cause they wanna be black

most japanese males dont like the pale look anymore well the younger generation now. They like tanned/black girls because "hip hop" and the skin colour seems so exotic and such and such to them.

The rest of the japanese girls are jealous, and so tan themselves to look somewhat "pretty". I have to admit, i have only seen 1~! successful ganguro girl. She wasnt too tanned and her makeup was mild.
I can't believe you just said that.
It's not like you can say 'most' Japanese men don't like pale complexions or even the other way round. And it didn't start from hip-hop, I can't stand it when people say things like this when they don't understand. Yeah a lot of Gal's like hip-hop but actually there are many forms of the style some which even go against tanning...

Sorry if I sounded like I was being harsh, but it anoys me when people assume.

Last edited by Bloomzy : 04-12-2007 at 05:03 PM.
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