@Koku-san - HOLY MOTHER OF GOD! What a photo! That blade looks ultra delicious (not that I'm a sword swallower or anything

). Such an even length distribution between the hilt and the blade. I'm totally in love with it...
A bush Axe?!

I didn't know you did executions

... j/k!
Actually post 'em up if you have any pics. Personally owned blades always take a special spot on this thread
Edited: What is that? Do you mean bankai Zangetsu from bleach? Thats a sweet sword, long and straight and in my personal favourite colour BLACK! Post a pic up if you find one and add some text about why you like the blade or something! That would be so nice. Personally, I like Senbonzakura the best. I'll try and get a pic to post

, though I'd probably hold off that post until I've finished a special post for DR I'm still trying to find info on... >.<"
Edited2: Ah! The photo finally turned up and it says it all