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qwertypolk (Offline)
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Posts: 2
Join Date: Feb 2012
Need help summing up ! - 02-15-2012, 08:30 PM

Hi all, after iv'e completed my degree i'm looking to go teach English in Japan for a year. I'm looking to go to Nagoya as it seems to be a hybrid between rural and urban(city) Japan, from what iv'e looked at I will have a monthly salary of 250,000 yen which is 3 000 000 yen a year, after the year i will receive a 100 000 to 170 000 yen contract completion bonus. The company who would be sponsoring me and providing me the job offer a semi -furnished private apartment for 60,000 yen per month plus utilities, so this is 720 000 yen a year on rent.
So 3000000-720000 = 2 280 000
My question is around how much will utilities and food etc cost me ?
Around how much will this leave me with ?
Ultimately i'm asking if I can live comfortably on this salary for a year in Japan with enough to travel a bit during holidays ? I will also be bringing around 245 000 yen in spending money with me
Also, any other tips about areas and what not would be greatly appreciated !
I'm looking to teach and live fairly close to Osaka, geographically i want to be based around the middle between Osaka and Tokyo.
Many thanks
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