My every first experience in Japan goes way back to 1975 when I arrived at Kadena Air Base in Okinawa. I was 17 and fresh out of High School, Air Force Basic and Technical Training.
I was met at the Airport by my assigned military sponsor. Since it was Friday my sponsor, a young Staff Sergeant named Larry, took me downtown to see the sights and indulge in the local bar scene. From early Friday evening until early the next morning we hopped from Bar to G.I. Bar on what was (perhaps still is) known as B.C. Street…or Business Center. About a city block in length, B.C. Street was the center of the entertainment universe for those GI’s with an appetite for Beer, Booze and Strippers! Admittedly, I enjoyed

myself immensely until I woke late Saturday afternoon in my barracks room deathly ill, hurling chunks and later nothing but air…

...some of you may have some experienced this agonizing ungodly pain!
With the help of a new barracks mate, I made my way to the Hospital on Camp Lester where I spent the rest of the weekend with a needle in my arm from a revitalizing IV Drip. It goes without saying my first three days in Japan were memorable ones…although I don’t remember much of Friday night…something about a Snake comes to mind...another story!
Looking back on the experience some 32 years later, I still admit I had a lot of fun running the Bars that night. I did return to BC Street often, but I certainly didn’t drink with such abandon anymore. Don’t get me wrong, there’s nothing better than a ice cold Asahi Super Dry…but in moderation as they say.
I left Okinawa 18 months later only to return again in 1982, staying there until 1987 when I moved to Tokyo. In fact, I met my wife on Okinawa during my second stay there but that’s a story for another time!
Be Good!