Originally Posted by inveniam
Japanese names do have their meanings clearly, as each kanji has its meanings.
And generally speaking, the meaning of one's name are considered to be very important : every father and mother wants to give their child a good name.
The fact that words and letters have been considered to have special powers may have something to do with this.
But I think the effect of the name on one's life is less direct in Japanese culture than yours. For example, 健 (ken) is a popular name. 健 means "healthy" or something like that. Our prime minister's name is 佳彦 (yoshi-hiko), and 佳 roughly means "good" (佳作, for instance, means "a good piece of work"--rarely used in names, btw). 賢 (this,too, happens to be "ken") is also a common name, and it means "clever", "intelligent", "wise", something like that. Each name reflects their parent's wishes : they wish their child, or his/her life to be a healthy, good, or intelligent one.
As shown above, Japanese names are more adjective-like (I don't know what to say..), and it has little to do with what kind of life he/she actually lives, what kind of profession he/she dreams of, etc.
There're some possible (and each is common) name for "Yuriko" - 百合子, or 由里子, perhaps.
子 is a common word used in girls' names. Yuri is a lily : used in names to reflect its beauty.
(I found it difficult to explain clearly--- sorry my English is not good enough.)
p.s. I think the importance of the meaning of a name in your culture is quite interesting.
Thank you very much for information
So is there any link about japanese names and meanings ?
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