Originally Posted by Vin
Down with sony!! They fired my father so I petition against them now. Not only that but Sony never really puts any thought into their new inventions, trust me I know. They are all about the looks and trying to fit as much as they can into a tiny electronical device and over price it. Mind many of the things they do come up with are not supposed to be as expensive as they are being sold.
Nintendo all they way, it's a classic and will never let you down. You're a true gamer when you stick with the classics.
Classic yes even more so now with retro games that will be avaible for the Wii. but i would say they have let us down in the past N64 major failaure. the only reason they did not go bankrupt was thanks to the Gameboy no one at the time could compete with it price or ablities. Same thing with the Gameboy advance. The game cube was a failure also game production dam near stoped for it a few years ago it if was not for them makeing the Wii and makeing it play game cube games . they would be struggling big time. They saved them selfs with the eveything they put into this new console and i am very pleased with the way it look as so far. the N 64 was the reason a lot of game company bailed from nintendo and went to sony. the 64 was a more powerful machine, but the media they choose to use was very bad for the time. CD's where a much better and cheeper medium but they refused to go with and lost out big time.
ninento has come from is ashes now let see where they end up. i think they are may just end up on top again.