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SgtBeavis (Offline)
JF Regular
Posts: 93
Join Date: Apr 2007
Pics from my last trip.. - 04-15-2007, 03:12 AM

I finally got around to resizing some of the pictures I took while vacationing in Japan last month. I hope ya'll enjoy them. I'm lucky that I'm married to a sweet Japanese girl (now American) who has some pretty cool parents.

Here is the picture of Mount Fuji I showed earlier in the week. This picture was taken from the back window of my In-law's home. I got to enjoy this view while enjoying my morning coffee everyday. My Mother In Law wouldn't let me do anything for myself. She was shocked that I actually knew how to turn the coffee pot off. She does all of the house work and she has a part time job at the post office. My Father In Law doesn't have to do much around the house. Its not that he's lazy, its just a typical old school Japanese household.

I promised her that when she visits us next winter, I'm going to treat her to some of my Cajun cookin'

This is what passes for a birthday cake, I think. Our 2nd day there, we had a little birthday party for my 12 year old nephew. He is the only child for my Brother and Sister in Law so he's spoiled. The great thing is that this is the most polite and courteous kid you'll ever meet. I gave him a US Open tennis bag and some other tennis gear as well as one of my Nintendo DS video games. Tennis really is his thing.

This is an example of Japanese Marquetry woodworking from the town of Hakone. We visited this place on the 3rd day and checked out some of the skills needed to make the paper thing veneers that decorate this chest of drawers.

This is the glued up lumber that is planed into veneers. I'm pretty good at woodworking, but it would take years for me to do this kind of work.

Here are some cherry blossoms that were starting to bloom in Odawara.

This is Odawara Castle. Japan has several castles, some of which date back to the 14th century. This castle was originally built in 1495. It lasted through the Edo period in Japan history until it was partly destroyed in the Meji era. It was rebuilt in 1960. Inside were several examples of Japanese weaponry from Samurai and Ninja that lived in the area.

Another pic of Odawara Castle from its entrance. Unfortunately no photography was allowed inside. I think the guard in there didn't like me much because he kept following this gaikoku-jin around the building.
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