Originally Posted by Abasio
I have to say that I can't stand Utada Hikaru.
Her Japanese lyrics are annoying enough but when she attempts it in English it is just painful.
Your easy breezy & I'm Japanesey.
& then hearing her rap about her new microphone.
imagine hearing that everywhere you went for 4 months
lol Yea... Her English is fine though. I saw a few clips of her speaking on CNN and getting offended because the Interviewer related her to Britney Spears and Christina Aguilera. I had to laugh!
I like a few songs on Exodus (for the music! not the lyrics.."Tippy Toe" is just wrong) but for the most part I can't stand vibrato and she pushes that to the max! Whether its her ignored shyness or just her style...who knows~ ^^p