Thread: The Truth
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The Truth - 04-15-2007, 12:24 PM

Japanese people hate foreigners who come over and are way into anime and manga. I'm SORRY, but it is true. And I am saving you the money you would've spent to a country that will regard you as an outcast.

NO high school students do not devote time watching anime or reading manga obsessively. They are STUDYING.

NO people do not dress, act, or speak like in anime and manga. Japan is Japan, and works of fiction only occasionally come out as lifelike.

YES foreigners will be shunned if they have an over enthusiastic love for anime, manga, or if they cosplay.

YES you will be teased if you go to Akihabara.

YES you will be absolutely hated if you go to a Maid Cafe.

NO, you will not get a girlfriend if you can't get one in your own country.

Thank you, that is all.
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