Oh, haha, sorry if that is confusing. No, I honestly asked what sounded strange to you. I used Japanese often in the past with my friends and of course when I lived in Japan for a short while. I have not spoken in Japanese in a while, so I understand that I may say a few things that make sense but aren't 100% natural. It is good that you are helping people on this site.
Actually, in my daily life, I am tutoring basic Japanese to students at the university that are studying it, and am helping a Japanese woman learn English here. Criticism is fine. My messages on here were not made in order to be corrected, since I was quite confident that the meaning was very clear. If I ever say anything on here that you think doesn't sound natural, please let me know. I'm not amazing at Japanese, but I have studied it for a long time and can hopefully *usually* get my basic ideas across.

Sorry if you thought I was offended. I really intend what my signature says: 友達になりましょう!