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(#9 (permalink))
SgtBeavis (Offline)
JF Regular
Posts: 93
Join Date: Apr 2007
04-16-2007, 12:13 AM

That was a wonderful story. Many things in there remind me of my wife, Miyako, and her family.

I too was stationed at Camp Zama from 1991 to 1993. I was a UH1H crewchief at the 78th AVN BN at Kastner Army Airfield. My future wife "picked me out" while I was standing in line at Baskin Robbins in the PX. She was a cashier at the PX.

I didn't have all the surprises that you had when you first met Sachiko. I was only in Zama for 4 more months after I met Miyako. Afterwards I was sent to Ft. Belvoir, VA. About a year an a half later, we were married.

So here is the real kicker about our relationship. I had met Miyako's mother once at Camp Zama, but only briefly. I finally saw her again ONE MONTH AGO when I finally went back to Japan. I also met my Father In Law for the first time. We had a few beers and I introduced him to Corona. He's a pretty good guy IMO.

The family house in in Hadano, a few train stops from Zama. Its pretty nice a bit more modern than the one Sachiko used to live in. As Pachipo is aware, toilets have become fairly advanced. Toilet seats are light years ahead of what we get in the US.

Well, more later if anyone is interested. I don't want to take any more attention from Pachipo's wonderful story. I've added your blog to my favorites and I hope to take a look from time to time.

Many thanks for the story.
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