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Join Date: Oct 2006
04-17-2007, 01:52 AM
I can't tell you about the next Kira yet. Oren isnt that far.
But I can tell you Near and Mello's first moves.
Mello starts out by secretly demanding the Death Note that the NPA has by kidnapping the director of the NPA. N and M found out that the police have the Death Note because they are smart. All they needed to know was that Higuchi had the death note when he was caught, so the police must still have it. Mello joins mafia bosses in the underground. Before Mello can get any results, the director of the NPA dies by Kira's famous heart attack. Soichiro, Light's father, is promoted to director. Since he has resources, Mello learns this, so he kidnaps Sayu Yagami, and demands the DN for her life.
Near starts off by becoming the leader of the SPK. "Special Provision for Kira" He is aided by top CIA and FBI agents. He sends agents to the NPA, to contact Soichiro, and make him hand over the DN to the organization that demands it. Near is hoping this will help him.
Oh yeah, and before all this, Kira kills all of the Yotsuba group with heart attacks. He also kills L's agents Aiber, and Wedy.
Last edited by Kanji_The_Wanderer : 04-17-2007 at 01:54 AM.