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(#19 (permalink))
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Samael (Offline)
JF Old Timer
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Location: Alexandria Virginia, USA
04-17-2007, 05:51 AM

Well for starters there isnt much that equates to anime in America because culturally our cartoons have a completly different target audience, mainly 8 year olds. Comparing the two is usless, so to say Americans can't make "anime" isn't really fair, because at the moment we arn't trying very hard as a culture. We're just now starting to see hints of it here and there, but something will have to really make it big and deserve the attention in order to catalyze an American anime movement. Wait for it, it'll come, I guarentee it. They style is arleady popular, but the fan base just isn't forgiving when it comes to non-Japanese artists. There won't be American anime until there's a fan base ready to recive it.
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