heh, lol I'm not an anime buff, I only watch naruto and about 5 other shows... (not over and over again
And no, I don't think japan will be like what its all pictured in anime.
And I'm sorry for using that word, wont happen again.. thanks for informing me...
umm well, I might go there on an out of school exchange thing, and then probably go there with the 3 month's tourist visa...
I reallly reaaaaaaaly wanna go!!!!
I just noticed on my way to class, we have so many japanese people in our school!!!!
Anyway, once again I'm sorry for using the 'Word', I don't want to say it again
Also, isn't anime a big thing in japan?? I don't know where anime series are originally made, but I guess most of them are made in japan??
I read somewhere most japanese people hate anime
oh, and in my first post I said I watch 'Lots', I consider it heaps because naruto has like 200+ episodes heh, I'm not like, an anime geek or anything, just when I have spare time I watch an episode or two.
I'm at the library now lol, going to borrow as many books as I can on japan!