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(#14 (permalink))
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Abasio (Offline)
Posts: 139
Join Date: Apr 2007
Location: Yokohama
04-19-2007, 01:33 AM

Why live in Tokyo?

1. You can get any kind of food in the best restaurants
2. It so easy to get anywhere
3. You have 10 years of weekends on your doorstep without repeating something
4. Sooooo many shops catering for everything you can imagine
5. Thousands of bars & restaurants & clubs
6. Many jobs even for foreigners
7. People are used to foreigners so stare less
8. It's near the airport.
9. Night view
10. The girls

Why not to live in Tokyo

1. It's damn humid in summer
2. It's expensive to rent a place
3. The people are use to foreigners so might not be as curiously friendly
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