Thread: Hair Styl3!!?
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(#30 (permalink))
Okimoto_Tatsuki's Avatar
Okimoto_Tatsuki (Offline)
Posts: 67
Join Date: Oct 2006
11-25-2006, 12:41 AM

wash your hair the night before.
let it dry naturally or dry i yourself
wake up in the morning, and comb your hair
you can use some hair gel/spray but make sure its not in clumps or too much that it turns it into a spiky look
shake your hair and smooth down you hair by you hands and the back of the comb.
comb out little bits of hair upwards.

and there. depends on your hair type too. If you have curly hair, you need to straighten it first. If your hair is naturally straight it shouldnt bee too hard

but if ya wanna do that hyde style...use alot of gel XD
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