Originally Posted by Kanji_The_Wanderer
See for me I don't like using cheats, I play more games serious then I do joking around. Its no fun in my opinion being on the first level in "God Mode" its takes away any challenge. But then again, I like my knowledge and skill to be tested!
( I'll use a cheat after I beat the game )
I agree completely. Unless of course I get hopelessly lost or can't beat a certain thing, then I use like a guide for that one part or a cheat for that one thing.
Army- D.N.A. (The Demon Naruto Army)
Gen.- TheDemonNaruto
P.M.G.- MarkDuff
Ltn.- Tsuzuki
Maj.- Slykaz1
Brig.- Sutiiven
Pri.- Katchan6
JFMerc - Hyakushi
Animal Domesticate - Pjok
Secret Supplier- Dark Chao
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