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(#18 (permalink))
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elgostine (Offline)
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Join Date: Mar 2007
04-21-2007, 11:33 AM

welli live in sydney australia,and am of greek descent, but i absolutely LOVE!!! asian culture, especially japanese, and a for living i have always told myself, i i had to live anywhere apart from australia, i'd either live im a world city e.g. new york, london, paris tokyo. id choose eithe london or tokyo, but tokyo especially. as i said before, i love and Very deeply admire japaneseculture, and history in particular,
to sum up my reasons, their pretty much thesame as all the others, although i think you left out a major drawback, pollution, tokyo has one of the highest levels of air pollution although its not NEARLY as bad as mexico city, and on theother han if ure gonna live in aworld city anyway, you midas well not make air pollution as part of your judgement as they all are, and as most of you have said, the girl are a deinate bonus, to me one of a asian/japanese girl's most appealing traits is that no matter how old they get, up until they get to their late 40's/50's and star growing wrinkles, they always seem like at least 5 years younger, and the younger girls look soooo cute in a sailor fuki

(ps im trying to say it without sounding like some ignorant fool.)
as for other aspects of tokyo life, hmmm... the public transport systems really good, (its kinda stuffed down her in aualmost unlimited access to anime is a definate bonus
ive always wanted to learn another language and since in japan, english seems to bea compulsory subject, that would no doubt help smoothen the transition from home to tokyo.

and last but certainly not least are two thinks about tokyo that have become my favorite parts of tokyo, 1, the ancient castles 2, mount fuji and finally

3, the great work o materful natural beauty is the famous cherry blossom. it has officially become my favorite flower, and would give more than Al from FMA did to be able to have one in my backyard.
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