04-22-2007, 01:02 AM
My eye adjusts to the darkness around me, as my environment focuses into view. I try to move, but both of my arms are firmly locked in place behind my back. Some metal device is restraining them. As I wiggle about my body burns. All the wounds that I had received were taking their toll. My shoulder was oozing blood, that cut was serious. If I didn't have it treated it could become infected. But their was no way I was asking for my captor's aid. I tried to stand, and ended up falling over. I was too weak to do anything.
The stone floor was freezing, and smelt of mold, my soaken clothes made me more susceptible to the lower temperatures. I glanced about the floor, but couldn't see Nozomi in the darkness. I was alone in this room. Before me, giant black bars shot into the ceiling. I rememebered back to the battle. That bastard purple dragon blasted me with lightning. Took me out in one shock. How humiliating.
I moved my legs about and was able to move into an up-right position. As I leaned against the wall footsteps approached. It was a human guard holding a lit torch. "Ah your awake. But you won't be awake for long. I hear you are to be executed for your attempt to take the General Leinurus's life." I ignored what he said about me. "Where is Nozomi?! What have you done with her?!" The guard laughed "You mean that babe? We are keeping her elsewhere. I am sure you'll be able to lay your eyes on her before you die." the guard laughed again. "Did I say 'eyes'? hahahaa I meant eye!" hahha and with that, the guard walked away from sight into the darkness.
Everything was in darkness. Am I going to die in this darkness as well? No! I will die in the light. I will escape here with Nozomi... With my tied hands I felt into my back pocket, and found a piece of a summoning parchment that I had stuck there along time agao. If I could find a rock, and burn the end, then I could use the charcoal to write upon the scroll. I shifted my weight and moved onto my feet, standing up I tried to look around more.
Frustration starts to come, and I whisper angrily,"Man do I wish Swift or Ichirin were here. I am nothing without Sora or my Elven equipment."