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Powermad147 02-07-2008 04:43 AM


Originally Posted by NatsuNatsu (Post 361847)

You are pmad?!

LOL! I luffies you on my SJ!

*Gasp* You do!? I thought I was being annoying! Yay!! Pmad will now go back to posting! ^_^

Powermad147 02-07-2008 04:45 AM


Originally Posted by orewasenshi (Post 361885)
Awww, pmad is so sweet^^

Haha, I have some fans too! ^^...Maybe Pmad should start a fanclub of his own, honoring himself...XD

miyavikuun 02-07-2008 04:47 AM


Originally Posted by Powermad147 (Post 391248)
Haha, I have some fans too! ^^...Maybe Pmad should start a fanclub of his own, honoring himself...XD

i'd join that^_^

Powermad147 02-07-2008 04:50 AM


Originally Posted by miyavikuun (Post 391249)
i'd join that^_^

Let me think, who would join my fan club if I had to guess...

Miyavi-kun, Kit Kat (Katchan), MayMeRachael (I would join her fanclub :D ), MusicLuver (Like my older sister only cooler <3), and maybe even MMM, If I could convince him XD. Who wants to help me convince MMM-san to join my fanclub?? XD

chibiloli93 02-08-2008 02:15 PM


Originally Posted by NatsuNatsu (Post 390870)
Who does my art look like? O.o

I'd very much love to know <3333

Awww, thankies *hugs you*

I dont know da name... sowy... but I remember wat it looks like...

chibiloli93 02-21-2008 02:18 PM

Ellos NatsuNatsu! Sowy, ive been kinda buy lately... u shud empty ur pm box... I tried 2 respond but it wudnt let meh!

ELASHORTHYP 02-21-2008 06:34 PM

I havent read her manga but ive heard its awsome from my sister(:happypika: Chibiloli93(^_^) ) I plan to read it. Im also working on my manga I posted up my first page its not so great to me but it is only arough draft(>,<) :pinksong:

chibiloli93 10-17-2008 09:37 PM

It's been a while since anyone posted anything...Btw, Natsu-chan finished her story Opposites attract!!!!*dances* so awesome! New series: Pumpkin Boy!:happypika:

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