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orewasenshi 01-10-2008 10:14 PM

NatsuNatsu Fan Club!!
This is for the people who love Natsu's manga!!

Me being one of the many fans!!

Post anything you want manga related, but mostly view and dicuss NatsuNatsu's manga!!!!

MazarDantechildofdevil 01-10-2008 10:23 PM

I'm a big fan! Thing is I'm just starting her Manga... It is awesome though... Sorta hardish to read... I'd love to see it in Real life! Just... Ya... Oh well she draws awesome and her Manga Opposites Attract is awesome beyond anything!

orewasenshi 01-10-2008 10:27 PM

Yuppers, a very good style of drawing.

Unquie and very loose but AWESOME!!


MazarDantechildofdevil 01-11-2008 01:33 AM


Originally Posted by orewasenshi (Post 352240)
Yuppers, a very good style of drawing.

Unquie and very loose but AWESOME!!


So true... More people need to post on here now! Darn them... ><;

NaruNaruChan 01-11-2008 01:37 AM

I'm In! I love all her stuff!!

NatsuNatsu 01-11-2008 09:21 PM


WOW! Thank you all!

3 fans! <3

MazarDantechildofdevil 01-11-2008 09:25 PM


Originally Posted by NatsuNatsu (Post 353141)

WOW! Thank you all!

3 fans! <3

lol... Yes 3 fans... Don't you feel so famous? lol... I do love your work though.

NatsuNatsu 01-11-2008 09:28 PM

haha, thank you!

Makes me happy to know that I have fans at all!

MazarDantechildofdevil 01-11-2008 09:30 PM


Originally Posted by NatsuNatsu (Post 353160)
haha, thank you!

Makes me happy to know that I have fans at all!

lol... Well you do ^.^; So feel proud!

NatsuNatsu 01-11-2008 09:32 PM

I Shall! >:3

MazarDantechildofdevil 01-11-2008 09:37 PM


Originally Posted by NatsuNatsu (Post 353175)
I Shall! >:3

lol... I didn't mean any offense... Now I feel hated... As if i'm not loved... ><;... FINE!

NatsuNatsu 01-11-2008 09:38 PM

HUH? O.o

You ish confusing meh XD

I wasn't mad...I use all caps when I agree!

hearts7bleach 01-15-2008 06:49 PM

woot for natsunatsu art! i'm an instant fan! it's amazing! :D

Powermad147 01-16-2008 01:02 AM

(Pmad will now refer to himself in 3rd person ^_^)

Pmad is also a fan!!:pandahurray:

Natsu-chan, keep up the good work ^_^

NatsuNatsu 01-18-2008 11:07 PM


You are pmad?!

LOL! I luffies you on my SJ!

orewasenshi 01-18-2008 11:25 PM

Awww, pmad is so sweet^^

NatsuNatsu 01-21-2008 07:01 PM

Yup, sure is ^w^

miyavikuun 01-21-2008 07:05 PM

well im your fan natsu i even told you^_^

orewasenshi 01-21-2008 07:08 PM


Natsu ish lurved!!!!!!


NatsuNatsu 01-21-2008 07:20 PM

You all make meh so happy ;-;

I seriously need to update XD

orewasenshi 01-21-2008 08:31 PM

*rapes Natsu*

Yes, I lurv you^^

NatsuNatsu 01-21-2008 09:14 PM


I updated! <3333

hearts7bleach 01-23-2008 07:31 PM

ahhh!!! >.< it's over! i've read them all! Now that we are older was so sad!!! ;__; sweet deception sounds like it's gonna be really good,:rheart: and opposites attract is deff. a great story! keep up the amazing work Natsu!! ^^

chibiloli93 02-06-2008 08:45 PM


Originally Posted by orewasenshi (Post 352221)
This is for the people who love Natsu's manga!!

Me being one of the many fans!!

Post anything you want manga related, but mostly view and dicuss NatsuNatsu's manga!!!!

NatsuNatsu's manga drawing style is super Cute!!!! I LUV it!!!! I even got inspired 2 start working on my manga now!!! I might ask my grandma 2 let me use her scanner!!! (i dont have 1...*tear*)

chibiloli93 02-06-2008 08:46 PM

Ive been reading it when i can, b/c i dont have internet @ home, so i can only chk awesome stuff out (like NatsuNatsu's manga)when im @ skool...

NatsuNatsu 02-06-2008 08:47 PM

I thought everyone forgot about this thread XD

Man I love you guys <3333

chibiloli93 02-06-2008 08:50 PM

NastuNatsu's style reminds me of dis other artist, only NatsuNatsu's art is 10 times cuter!!!!! KYAAAAHHHHH!!!! So cute!!!>.<

NatsuNatsu 02-06-2008 08:51 PM

Who does my art look like? O.o

I'd very much love to know <3333

Awww, thankies *hugs you*

chibiloli93 02-06-2008 08:51 PM


Originally Posted by NatsuNatsu (Post 390865)
I thought everyone forgot about this thread XD

Man I love you guys <3333

How cud we 4get? Ur awesome & have awesome skills!!!!!:pompoms: Hoorah 4 NatsuNatsu!!!

NatsuNatsu 02-06-2008 08:54 PM


Thank you! <33333

Haha, no one comments on my art anymore XD

chibiloli93 02-06-2008 09:00 PM


Originally Posted by NatsuNatsu (Post 390875)

Thank you! <33333

Haha, no one comments on my art anymore XD

WHAT?!!! If ur in a fan club, den u guys shud dedicate ur selves!!!:punchbear: *punching people*no not really... :chikasfrown:maybe its just dat they live on dif.parts of da US, so their time zones differ...

NatsuNatsu 02-06-2008 09:01 PM

*shrigs* maybe XD

I dunno...but that's fine, just if they look at it is good for me!

OH YEAH! I colored my Cryin Loli pic!

chibiloli93 02-06-2008 09:03 PM

hav u put it in smackjeeves yet( 4 ur comics)?

NatsuNatsu 02-06-2008 09:03 PM

Yeah! I'm on SJ! *points to siggy*

Hisuwashi 02-06-2008 09:22 PM

I like Natsu's art .. (:

NatsuNatsu 02-06-2008 09:23 PM

Aw, thank you Hisuwashi <3333

*hugs you*

Hisuwashi 02-06-2008 09:27 PM

No problem my lovely *blush* (:

Put me in this club please! XD

NatsuNatsu 02-06-2008 09:28 PM


Blush? lol

YAY! Another fan! <333

MarkDuff 02-07-2008 03:26 AM

Natsu\'s art is very good. I like very much

madilscoops 02-07-2008 04:33 AM

natsunatsu\'s art is the best!! :D
i love it to death!!

*gives natsunatsu a big hug*
although i think you already knew i liked your stuff d:

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