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sushinam 02-08-2008 03:16 PM

Publishing dates
Every manga reader always ponders about when the next book will come out (and, well, some of us are simply too lazy? Neh?) (sushinam herself is, that's why she relies on others input from: The Twins)

Anyway, I've started this thread for you guys to ask the publishing dates, and for others to find them!

SO: I'm first :mtongue:

Does anybody know when Ghost Hunt 10 comes out? It's been ages since the last one came out...

MMM 02-08-2008 09:16 PM

According to Amazon...Dec 1, 2009.

That's not a good sign.

SuGrocks 02-10-2008 01:45 AM

what about vampire knight? i usually read it on onemanga.com but they havent updated it since january 9th or w/e..

CarleyGee 02-10-2008 02:57 AM

Oh this sounds like a good idea for a thread.
Sad thing for me is that I'm not reading any manga.
If I get curious, I'll ask. Maybe.. XD

ILOVEJAPAN 02-12-2008 12:00 AM

Hmmm...why a thread I wonder? It's pretty easy just to check amazon.

I'm always conffused about manga publishing dates though. They often release them earlier or latter than schedualed. I know sometimes it's faster or longer than they expected, but the're big(ish) companies you would think they would be slightly more orginized.

Yuna7780 02-12-2008 12:23 AM

This what I have to say:
TokyoPop usually takes four months just for ONE book to come out. Look on the inside flap of your manga and see when it was published in America!
VIZ is every other month. Real simple and quick for us.
Del-Rey always says at the end of a manga volume.
ADV books I think are about every three months.

If a series is caught up in Japan or needs to be halted, it may be longer.

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