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caisaki 06-17-2010 09:49 AM


Originally Posted by Rice (Post 815959)
Probably Misaki from Kaichou wa Maid Sama. ^_^

Yeah, me too. Or naruto, because he always makes funny and unique ways to do things.

AkatsukiKira 06-22-2010 06:59 PM

Probably Senō Natsuru from Kämpfer or Takumi Usui from Kaichou wa Maid-sama.
Gotta love how Usui always appear calm and collected.

PockyMePink 06-22-2010 07:16 PM

Misa, from Death Note. I would have killed off Light and L a long time ago if I were her (but then I'd have a bunch of 13 year old fangirls attack me).

bolay 06-23-2010 06:48 AM

Hmm really ....
Maybe Mutsu Yakumo - Shura No Toki
Goin where the wind blow, always had great advendture ;)

MattrocksDN 06-26-2010 12:10 AM

I would love to be ryuk from deathnote. He rocks!!!!

scyhter 06-27-2010 12:03 PM

Ban Mido from Getbackers.

hanachan10 06-27-2010 01:54 PM

I'd love to be Rukia from Bleach nya~~!! She's so cool >.<

anime36 07-23-2010 03:11 PM

kira yamato from gundam seed/destiny

AnimeFan1366 08-13-2010 05:30 PM

Naruto :) Hes my Favorite

evanny 08-13-2010 07:10 PM

probably Takashi Komuro from high school of the dead...
and also Yoshiyuki Taira from BECK. well he looks more or less like me (blond, blue eyes) and also plays guitar. would want to be him because i would like to be in a band like that.
o. and also genji from Getbackers. he is kinda lighthearted and i can really on that.

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