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Maikaru 06-05-2008 11:33 AM

What's your fav pokemon?
Mine's chimchar and buizel---i can't chose between the two. :D Your's?

Tokyochan 06-05-2008 11:37 AM

Pikachu of course! (^_^) :rheart: :rheart: :rheart:

xYinniex 06-05-2008 11:44 AM

none of the new pokemon for sure.

I love articuno.
and gyrados.
and charizard.

yes, i am a bit pf a power freak. but that's the point of the game.

defilekees 06-05-2008 12:26 PM

I like Growlithe and Eevee

Asakura 06-05-2008 12:52 PM

Hitmonlee (He's the Taekwondo master of pokemon)
Lucario (no miss technique And My favorate types put together)
Celibi (I don't say this often, kwaiii!:D)
Ho-Oh (it's the Poke Pheonix and he never gets enough attention)
Guardevior (I dunno great pycic powers and easy on the eyes too;) )
Salamance (just a straight up buttkickin' dragon)

That's my dream team right there.

And Of course Arceus! It's Poke God!

hennaz 06-05-2008 01:09 PM

I don't have 1 particular favourite, so I'll break it down in the 4 generations:

Gen 1: Mewtwo
Gen 2: Ho-oh
Gen 3: Kyogre (my fave legendary Pokemon)
Gen 4: Lucario

My favourite starter Pokemon is Treeko. My other favourite starters are Squirtle, Cyndaquil and Turtwig. My favourite Gen 4 legendary Pokemon is Palkia. I also like Pikachu, Unown (that's why my signature consists of "HENNAZ AT JAPAN FORUM" spelt using pictures of Unown) and Sableye.

igopako 06-05-2008 01:32 PM

i like charizard and pikachu :vsign:

koaku 06-05-2008 03:51 PM

Me its Charizard I used to play Pokemon a looot

Jamaru 06-05-2008 04:07 PM

1 Attachment(s)
mine its
Jolteon (i call him JoltJolt ^^)and Eletrike

Tsuyako 06-05-2008 04:48 PM

I have to say my favourite was Pikachu...I don't watch Pokemon anymore though because all the new Pokemon are hard to keep track of >.<

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