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SmMo 03-01-2009 05:10 PM


Originally Posted by Sinner (Post 680023)
Weird how people claim that it´s hard to buy Manga or Animé where they live..
I live in Sweden and I´m not having any troubles getting my manga.
And order from internet is always an option.

sure if its a bigger city like stockholm, göteborg or malmö. if you live in a small town you're pretty much cut off...

i just find it really boring to read the swedish translations as well and most off the american versions since they are pretty censored/edited.

Sinner 03-01-2009 05:14 PM


Originally Posted by SmMo (Post 680024)
sure if its a bigger city like stockholm, göteborg or malmö. if you live in a small town you're pretty much cut off...

i just find it really boring to read the swedish translations as well and most off the american versions since they are pretty censored/edited.

Well, I live in Dalsland. :P
But you got a point there.

MMM 03-01-2009 06:34 PM

What manga are you finding that is censored?

SHAD0W 03-01-2009 06:42 PM

I don't watch anime.. nor do i "steal" things from the internets.. but..

Dragon Ball GT Complete Collection Season 1

With prices like that for DVD's (and thats a british company, would be FAR more expensive to import) i can see why people do download.

Reasonable prices = decent custom.

I remember when it used to cost £15 - £20 for an album on CD untill everyone figured out how to download stuff, now people pay real prices like £8 from play.com and the like.

Ojamajoz 03-01-2009 07:35 PM

I read manga on the internet and at Barnes & Noble, but I really don't feel much guilt.

To do it the legal way, you must purchace each manga volume to read it. Let's say that there are 15 volumes in a series. Each manga volume costs around $10. If you wanted to enjoy that manga series without breaking the law, you'd have to pay $150 to complete one series. ONE SERIES. But that's not including mangas like Naruto that have like, more than 40 volumes in them; then they would cost more than $400.

Have I made my point?

SHAD0W 03-01-2009 07:50 PM


Originally Posted by Ojamajoz (Post 680051)
Have I made my point?

What? that your openly admiting you illegally download stuff? Yes.
What? that your admitting you're a cheap bastich? Yes.

My point was that if i did watch, I'd pay a reasonable price, you sound like you won't even haggle. Money makes the world go round my son.

MMM 03-01-2009 07:53 PM


Originally Posted by Ojamajoz (Post 680051)
I read manga on the internet and at Barnes & Noble, but I really don't feel much guilt.

To do it the legal way, you must purchace each manga volume to read it. Let's say that there are 15 volumes in a series. Each manga volume costs around $10. If you wanted to enjoy that manga series without breaking the law, you'd have to pay $150 to complete one series. ONE SERIES. But that's not including mangas like Naruto that have like, more than 40 volumes in them; then they would cost more than $400.

Have I made my point?

No. Manga costs money, just like other forms of entertainment. By reading it off the Internet or making new books used at the bookstore you are stealing. "It's expensive" is no excuse.

I wish I could drive a Lexus, but I don't. Why? It's expensive. That doesn't give me the excuse to steal one, though.

Payne222 03-01-2009 07:57 PM


Originally Posted by MMM (Post 680054)
No. Manga costs money, just like other forms of entertainment. By reading it off the Internet or making new books used at the bookstore you are stealing. "It's expensive" is no excuse.

I wish I could drive a Lexus, but I don't. Why? It's expensive. That doesn't give me the excuse to steal one, though.

Of course it does! Haha, just kidding.
But really, I didn't even know this thread was still going on.
But since I wanna read manga and we're low on money,
I do the cheap, legal way!
I buy all the volumes of my manga in Japanese from Mitsuwa
because they're a few dollars cheaper than American ones.

SSJup81 03-01-2009 08:39 PM


Originally Posted by Ojamajoz (Post 680051)
I read manga on the internet and at Barnes & Noble, but I really don't feel much guilt.

To do it the legal way, you must purchace each manga volume to read it. Let's say that there are 15 volumes in a series. Each manga volume costs around $10. If you wanted to enjoy that manga series without breaking the law, you'd have to pay $150 to complete one series. ONE SERIES. But that's not including mangas like Naruto that have like, more than 40 volumes in them; then they would cost more than $400.

Have I made my point?

Not really. Just collect it as you can. Don't buy it all at one time. If you can only buy a volume every two weeks, do that.

For instance, years ago, I was reading scanlations of Fruits Basket because I didn't have the cash to buy past what I owned. When I got the money to do so, I started to physically collect it again and am pretty much caught up with the US releases of it now.

Ronin4hire 03-01-2009 08:48 PM

Ah.. the age old argument (Well... since Napster as far as I know)

Is it the responsibility of the industry to adapt to people and technology?
Or is it the responsibility of technology and people to conform to the industry?

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