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SmMo 03-02-2009 01:59 AM

nah its liberties when it comes to local lingo...

i know its hard to translate some off the nuances in japanese to western languages cause off the cultural differences, but sometimes they really screw up the translations...

about that berserk thing... i bet they didn't know what was coming later in the series -.-

MMM 03-02-2009 02:05 AM

They know what happens, I know that for a fact, and you will not see any more censorship in Berserk again (just that one time).

SmMo 03-02-2009 02:12 AM

nice to hear, too bad i really don't have time to read manga nowadays :/

MMM 07-20-2009 03:53 AM

Looks like this thread needs a reboot. After someone asked for a legal pay DL manga site, people posted a bunch of illegal DL sites. Somehow you people are not getting it.

3.11 Posts containing links to downloads or other access of manga, anime, music, or any other media not authorized by the publisher or artist are not allowed.

Yuna7780 07-20-2009 04:05 AM

As for I don't want to read some 150 replies...

Why don't these manga companies stop these websites?

I'm curious as to why, as for I can't think of why.

MMM 07-20-2009 04:12 AM


Originally Posted by Yuna7780 (Post 749308)
As for I don't want to read some 150 replies...

Why don't these manga companies stop these websites?

I'm curious as to why, as for I can't think of why.

A lot of times it is money and resources. Manga publishers in the US are literally going out of business. The resources to try and shut these sites down just isn't there...and once they go down they just pop up as something else.

Skuu 07-20-2009 06:36 AM

When I started reading this thread I was thinking "technically MMM is correct but it's futile to think that the tide of downloading is going to be stopped via a plea to ethics. Illegal downloaders aren't in their right to steal but the industry isn't going to get back on its feet through the willpower of the consumers."

After reading through every page I'm slightly more pro-industry and I join in the call for people to stop/minimize illegal downloading and actually put effort in to affording/chipping into the industry if you care about it.

I'd say the most significant detail is what MMM emphasises: the manga industry is often not a big one. When I watch a South Park episode online or someone sends me a song on MSN I can objectively say that no one is being harmed, even considering large numbers. When you learn that the manga industry is more small time then you have to alter your outlook.

I think this largely comes from the logical fallacy that one person (always your own action) doesn't make a difference. Individual actions are the only things that make differences and they can be altered.

Yuna7780 07-21-2009 12:24 AM


Originally Posted by MMM (Post 749309)
A lot of times it is money and resources. Manga publishers in the US are literally going out of business. The resources to try and shut these sites down just isn't there...and once they go down they just pop up as something else.

I see... Now I have more excuses to purchase more manga for my bookshelf... I rarely read manga online and I think I could continue the manga industry on my own... it's so sad. ;.;

I think a positive thing about having dial-up internet is that I can't download anime or go onto the Youtubez of the world for illegal TV. I also prefer watching them on DVD/blu-ray because it's more enjoyable on a television screen.

I guess you could consider me pro-business when it comes to manga/anime because that's where most of my paychecks go bye-bye... but when I REALLY can't wait to read a manga because it gets too good... I can't resist online... O_O

Zagato289 07-21-2009 12:49 AM

After reading this threat ill stop watching anime online. the only reason i watched it was because anime here in the US was soooooo behind, but i guess i just have to deal with it.

George9 07-21-2009 02:46 AM


Originally Posted by Zagato289 (Post 749612)
After reading this threat ill stop watching anime online. the only reason i watched it was because anime here in the US was soooooo behind, but i guess i just have to deal with it.

Agreed, I'm Canadian and we get even less anime then you guys do. If I don't watch certain series online I would never see them not to mention we don't get alot of series since their like 12-14 episodes?

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