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SaintKat 07-23-2009 01:26 PM

Been away for a while, Aion NA/EU is in beta so still enjoying testing that.

Just a note to say I made a post a while ago about wanting to pay for a subscription to read manga online and nobody answered it. Would be helpful if someone could respond to that now.


iPhantom 07-23-2009 02:23 PM


Originally Posted by Skuu (Post 751268)
It's legally stealing. Someone else's licensed product which they don't want you to have without paying and you get it without paying. This is stealing.

In just practical terms, I agree it's not quite stealing. If you look at it on the individual level you can say 'well I'm either gonna d/l it or not get it at all' but that averages over a lot of people to theft because a lot of people would have had to buy it otherwise.

No that is not stealing. I'm not stealing something of their property, I'm making a copy of it. I wouldn't buy the anime, so there is no damage I can do. Download or no download, they would get no profit from me.

Skuu 07-23-2009 02:25 PM


Originally Posted by iPhantom (Post 751297)
No that is not stealing. I'm not stealing something of their property, I'm making a copy of it. I wouldn't buy the anime, so there is no damage I can do. Download or no download, they would get no profit from me.

I responded to both of those points in the text that you quoted.

iPhantom 07-23-2009 03:29 PM


Originally Posted by Skuu (Post 751298)
I responded to both of those points in the text that you quoted.

But you said it's stealing, and then wrote how it's stealing to some people and how it isn't to some.

"but that averages over a lot of people to theft because a lot of people would have had to buy it otherwise."

And then you wrote that, which I find really stupid to call someone a thief because he gets an illegal copy, compared to you who buy it. It's not stealing even using this viewpoint.

It's only copyright infringement. Not stealing.

Skuu 07-23-2009 03:35 PM


Originally Posted by iPhantom (Post 751304)
But you said it's stealing, and then wrote how it's stealing to some people and how it isn't to some.

"but that averages over a lot of people to theft because a lot of people would have had to buy it otherwise."

And then you wrote that, which I find really stupid to call someone a thief because he gets an illegal copy, compared to you who buy it. It's not stealing even using this viewpoint.

It's only copyright infringement. Not stealing.

I said technically it's breaking the law however you view it, which in this case is considered stealing, which is also theft. I don't consider that person 'a thief', but that's different from the technicality of it.

I'm not sure how exactly the law's worded in this regard so I can't really argue technically.

We just have different values on whether the action is wrong in practice or not. Nothing left to debate really.

iPhantom 07-23-2009 05:01 PM


Originally Posted by Skuu (Post 751306)
I said technically it's breaking the law however you view it, which in this case is considered stealing, which is also theft. I don't consider that person 'a thief', but that's different from the technicality of it.

I'm not sure how exactly the law's worded in this regard so I can't really argue technically.

We just have different values on whether the action is wrong in practice or not. Nothing left to debate really.

Considering stealing while it's not stealing is a bad habit.

MMM 07-23-2009 05:01 PM


Originally Posted by iPhantom (Post 751256)
I don't want to be of annoyance, but I've repeated this countless tiems. You can't steal in the internetz by downloading. You get a copy of it, nobody else loses the anime or manga.

IRL, if I steal, somebody loses it. It's not the same.

I know you keep saying this, and I have explained each time how wrong you are.

MMM 07-23-2009 05:03 PM


Originally Posted by SaintKat (Post 751280)
Been away for a while, Aion NA/EU is in beta so still enjoying testing that.

Just a note to say I made a post a while ago about wanting to pay for a subscription to read manga online and nobody answered it. Would be helpful if someone could respond to that now.


I think this will happen eventually, and I know of at least one pay Yaoi site...but so far not a lot.

iPhantom 07-23-2009 05:12 PM


Originally Posted by MMM (Post 751318)
I know you keep saying this, and I have explained each time how wrong you are.

The problem is your explanation is wrong, and I've explained why it is, too.

alanX 07-23-2009 05:18 PM


Originally Posted by iPhantom (Post 751323)
The problem is your explanation is wrong, and I've explained why it is, too.

Stealing isn't necessarily taking something that no one will ever get back.

Someone makes a price for a product. If someone comes in and says "I'm not going to pay for this, I'm going to make a copy of it and not pay anything instead." That is still stealing, as they have created this product and should be paid accordingly for it.

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