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-   -   To all you who DL anime and manga for free (https://www.japanforum.com/forum/anime-manga/16127-all-you-who-dl-anime-manga-free.html)

EveV 06-11-2008 12:13 AM


Originally Posted by MissMisa (Post 510934)
You know, my school library actually has manga volumes in it! You know, the typical culprits, Bleach and Naruto. I was actually pretty shocked to see them there, but pleased aswell. I think they are there because of a survey which was done, asking what kind of books kids wanted.

Mine has them to.
Actually more then my local one.
And not just stereotypical/ popular ones.
That's where I found Wallflower.
And they have Ranma 1/2 << can you believe that.
There's naked chicks everywhere in that manga. Lol.

I have no idea who picked those mangas out.
They were probably donated by some of the students.

MissMisa 06-11-2008 07:28 AM


Originally Posted by EveV (Post 511113)
Mine has them to.
Actually more then my local one.
And not just stereotypical/ popular ones.
That's where I found Wallflower.
And they have Ranma 1/2 << can you believe that.
There's naked chicks everywhere in that manga. Lol.

I have no idea who picked those mangas out.
They were probably donated by some of the students.

Yeah. In England it's pretty hard to get manga anywhere. It is no where near as popular as it is in America and Japan, so we rarely get anything over here. There was a comic book store that had Love Hina but it closed down. Waterstones book shop has a little TokyoPop stand but that's totally it for miles. They are really inconsistant on lesser known mangas aswell, they have like 1,3,6,8,12,21 or something so theres really no point. They barely restock. So that's why I was really shocked about it!

In England there is only like 1 or 2 major anime conventions per year. In America and Japan there are loads! The biggest one in England racks up about 1500 people, sometimes not even that and the second has like 600. There are a few Expos in London but I don't know much about them.

Nathan 06-11-2008 10:50 AM

Easy solution, learn French and move to France! Manga is a huge market there!:D

NightChilde25 06-11-2008 02:30 PM

It drives me crazy when people try to justify illegal downloading! Music, movie, manga, anime, it doesn't matter. Illegal downloading is hurting all the industries. No one shoot me here, but believe it or not you will not die without manga or anime. Trust me, you'll find that out first hand if all of the free downloading continues. Companies that make no money shut down and as MMM has said, these artists don't create manga just for the honor of someone reading it. They have to pay bills just like everyone else. If you don't have money to buy it, borrow from a friend or put it on a wish list somewhere. If you have access to a computer with the internet the "there's no where here to buy it" excuse won't work. If you don't have a credit card there are many places that will take money orders. I download things, yes, but it's from a pay site that has only UNLICENSED material. I usually purchase what I download once it's licensed here as well. The bottom line is if you want to be able to read manga or watch anime you HAVE to support the companies because without them production of all our favorites will grind to a hault and I don't think anyone wants that to happen.

Asakura 06-11-2008 03:19 PM

MMM and all these people have a point. The american Anime and Manga industry is in dire straights. And the fact of the matter is I oughta be hanged for some of my comments, but let me return the favor by redeeming my last link with a new link.
Anime Takeout - Rent Anime DVDs Online

If you can't get manga in your immidiate area then use this. With this at least you're not stealing. It's sota like the gamefly and netflix of the Anime/Manga world. Help MMM keep doing what he loves, and be a real fan by paying for your hobby. But to those that download (and formerly to myself) you're killing the industry in America. Please, please don't.

NightChilde25 06-11-2008 03:30 PM


Originally Posted by Asakura (Post 511493)
MMM and all these people have a point. The american Anime and Manga industry is in dire straights. And the fact of the matter is I oughta be hanged for some of my comments, but let me return the favor by redeeming my last link with a new link.
Anime Takeout - Rent Anime DVDs Online

If you can't get manga in your immidiate area then use this. With this at least you're not stealing. It's sota like the gamefly and netflix of the Anime/Manga world. Help MMM keep doing what he loves, and be a real fan by paying for your hobby. But to those that download (and formerly to myself) you're killing the industry in America. Please, please don't.

Ahhh...that link is MUCH better. I actually am a member. It's a great service.

forgotenmemory 06-11-2008 04:15 PM


Originally Posted by EveV (Post 509478)
There's a simple solution to that.
Buy and sell
Sell for 5 dollars ( unless it's like brand new and perfect. )
For every 2 mangas you sell you can buy one.
Or keep the money to yourself.

Libraries actually let you check out manga these days to.
You can even find a anime/manga in a thrift shop.
Or half priced book stores.
There's just soooo many deals out there you just have to look around.

Without the companies there are no readers.

Jesus how selfish.

No one here is trying to stop the impossible.

It's just not an easy job they don't deserve to lose it.
Without them you wouldn't know much about anime at all.

Hehe! I ronic! My library has manga too. But also, a few wekks ago, I went to a used book seller and found a whole shelf dedicated to manga and comics! ^^

forgotenmemory 06-11-2008 04:27 PM


Originally Posted by forgotenmemory (Post 511551)
Hehe! I ronic! My library has manga too. But also, a few wekks ago, I went to a used book seller and found a whole shelf dedicated to manga and comics! ^^

Oh, and one more thing, if you download manga and stuff from the internet, then when the companys fail because of that, what will you be able to watch but the same thing night after night, unless you like subs. which I personaly don't. ;)

persiandragon 06-11-2008 05:21 PM

[quote=SSJup81;507690]I know for a fact that I'll probably still stick with reading Negima online and other series that I'm physically collecting, until it actually gets released to buy later.


negima is licensed if you didn't know that. volume 20 i think just came out recently.


Originally Posted by Yuna7780 (Post 507991)
I always buy boxed anime from ADV. It's always so cheap and their dubs and subs, I personally think, are the best.

I'm waiting for them to release boxed set of Air Gear but i doubt that will happen.
it might be cheaper for me to just get the japanese boxsets from


Asakura 06-11-2008 08:21 PM

I want Desert Punk, I can't find those DVD's anywhere. Any suggsetions?

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