Originally Posted by Fumouffu
(Post 513653)
To: MMM,
That's not what I was trying to say.. I mean.. there are people who can't get monga at all. >~<; And it's not fair for them.
You talk like being able to read manga is a right, and not a priviledge.
That's like saying some people can't afford to go to the movies, so they should have the right to sneak in and not pay.
It doesn't work like that.
Originally Posted by Fumouffu
(Post 513653)
I care about the companies A LOT and I buy my manga as well. I've never read manga online unless it was fan-manga or webcomics. What I'm saying is there are people who can't get anything at all. DX And I think we should try and care for those people too.
As I said, if people are real fans, then they will find a way. There have been many posts here describing legal and inexpensive ways to get manga: libraries, clubs, inexpensive websites, used bookstores, etc.
Originally Posted by Fumouffu
(Post 513653)
I don't think you should classify as "real" fans either.. I think that's being a little bit mean.. I mean they literally can't get ANYTHING. Things don't ship to them, they don't have book stores, there aren't in conventions or anything related to anime near them.
If these people have Internet, then they have computers. If they have computers they an address. Where are these people living that they don't have mailmen, libraries and bookstores?
Originally Posted by Fumouffu
(Post 513653)
Being in America we are opened to a lot more things but there are some poor people who are very very limited and it's really sad! I was just saying maybe there is a way to help BOTH.. listen.. BOTH.. meaning TWO... the company >AAAAND< (keyword) the readers who CAN'T get anything~ Of course there's no excuse for people who can willingly buy their manga and such but there are people who can't and I think they should be cared for too.
The publishers do to a lot to help those that can't afford manga. They donate titles to libraries, for one.
Manga is a luxury item. It isn't like water or milk. As much as people like to say so, manga is not a fundamental necessity for life. As much as I feel for people that can't afford to buy manga, I am more worried they have enough food and heat in the winter than I am worried about if they can read manga. Of course I want everyone who wants to read manga to be able to, but being poor isn't an excuse to steal.
Originally Posted by Fumouffu
(Post 513653)
Not only that A LOT of people don't even know about the companies being turned down. I didn't know until I read this thread! So you can't call people, not "real" fans because they read online manga.. especially if they even didn't know~!
I understand that. That's why I started the thread.
Originally Posted by Fumouffu
(Post 513653)
And namecalling isn't fun, either.. I'm pretty sure I can see and that I'm not blind... thank you. DX; I understand your concern for the companies and I've been supporting that since my first post which it seems like you guys keep missing... All I said was let's at least think about those people who can't read anything.. it hurts SOO much when all it seems like you guys are focusing on the companies more.. And I'm thinking you guys do that because the companies give you guys your manga and the readers are taking that away. I think what's more important is trying to keep the companies up and going not because of our manga but because of them AND.. (the word and again) to help people who can't view mangas either! I'm sure there are many other people who are more than willing to donate to companies too~! I mean, if more people knew about this then they could help but don't insult them but calling them "fake" fans.. >~<; That's just a little rude... DX It's not like I was putting your comments down, I was really happy to see someone who cares for other people and trying to save them but it's just impossible...
You are pretty much repeating yourself, and I think I have already addressed this. You make the implication that all the people that steal manga online are poor. I know for a fact that isn't true, so don't act like they are all charity cases. Most of the people that steal manga onlines have the means to access manga other ways, and don't do it.
Originally Posted by Fumouffu
(Post 513653)
you have the WHOLE world to go through. But like I said, It hink what you can do is get people who has the money and convince them to buy their things and not hate other people for buying manga! Seriously! Try and help other people too!! The companies aren't the only people out there that needs help!! It's like if we put you in isolation where manga and anime has no existance! It would suck if you really like it because you honestly just CANNOT get it. Not every place has libraries.. not every place has shipping.
If people live in place with no libraries and no bookstores and no postal service, then I forgive them for stealing their manga online.
Originally Posted by Fumouffu
(Post 513653)
I mean, we are honeslty really really like because here in America we have libraries, and a BUNCH of online stores who are more than willing to ship out their anime and manga, but not everyone has that. So please think about them too!!
Are you speaking about people you actually know, or just in theory?
Originally Posted by Fumouffu
(Post 513653)
And they're not leechers... >~<; They just can't get it anyhwhere... I feel really really bad for those people! Do you get it? ]: I'm not saying that the companies are bad or anything at all but I'm not saying the readers are either. I'm just asking to try and care about both the companies and the readers or the "not-real" fans, too! I think everyone is very important to think about and not just one side..
I think you are making a good argument for a situation that barely if actually exists.
Like I said, most of the people who steal manga online have the means to get it legitimately. There may be a population of fans somewhere that have no postal system and libraries, and I would cut them some slack. Everyone else should shape up.