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gambit 05-27-2007 09:06 PM

i wuold like to be Kurama from YYH he hase cool powers,looks cool and is smart

DeadPrincess 05-28-2007 05:58 AM


Originally Posted by AnimeFreak (Post 26897)
Which anime show would you want to be in?
which character would you prefer to be???
include why you want to be that character!!!
*evil laugh*
i dont kno who id want to b... too hard to chose...
but YOU have to chose..!

Definately Nakahara Sunako of Yamato Nadeshiko Shite Henge...In my owrld of darkness...nosebleed while seeing gorgeous guys(minus e nose bleed..too dramatic for me..hehehe)..But still remain Cool and know hows to fight..!!..Yeah..!!

TegoshiKawaiiDesu 05-28-2007 07:33 AM

kool! ^_^ nice choice [even though i dunno wt ur talkin bout] XD im sure ther is a reasonable explaination of y u chose tht

Hentaro 05-28-2007 07:36 AM

I'd liked to be Alucard from Hellsing series...

TegoshiKawaiiDesu 05-28-2007 07:40 AM

KOOL! hahaha
ive tried watching it but for some reason, i stopped... i was craving for more shoujo at the time and now i dont have the energy to watch it agen

Hentaro 05-28-2007 07:43 AM

I think Alucard is so cool...

haji927 05-28-2007 12:40 PM


Originally Posted by AnimeFreak (Post 26897)
Which anime show would you want to be in?
which character would you prefer to be???
include why you want to be that character!!!
*evil laugh*
i dont kno who id want to b... too hard to chose...
but YOU have to chose..!

i would love to be haji from blood+ cause he is so cool

TegoshiKawaiiDesu 05-29-2007 05:25 AM

wow... im guessing these shows and characters tht r recently being praised r from ultimate shounen?

wolfrainvn 05-29-2007 10:00 AM

Zaraki Kenpachi from Bleach, because i don't think much before doing anything and i always trust my instincts.

Yggdrazzil 05-29-2007 10:01 AM

Ash! from Pokémon!! XD

Naw j/k (though wouldn't it be cool to have a pikachu as pet?!)

I haven't seen much anime's but usually I like the character type that is 2nd or 3rd best, standing in the shadow of a few more powerfull fighters. Usually more serious. (very very lame and prolly wrong example: vegeta)

TegoshiKawaiiDesu 05-29-2007 08:47 PM


Originally Posted by wolfrainvn (Post 141375)
Zaraki Kenpachi from Bleach, because i don't think much before doing anything and i always trust my instincts.

he is SOOOO kool XD
and creepy.... but frkin STRONG! XD
though ichigo is stronger....
wow... im unconciously listing out pros and cons

siso 05-30-2007 08:16 AM

Obviously, Son Goku!!!!! Dragon ball rulz!

Haggis 05-31-2007 12:59 AM

I'd like to be Ranma Saotome. I'd do lots of martial arts training, followed by a nice cold shower :D

TegoshiKawaiiDesu 05-31-2007 02:54 AM

well, FINALLY people r talking about anime characters i ACTUALLY KNOW!
ranma is kool too!
i havent watched dragon ball-z ever since i was 4 years old.... XD i only have a little bit of background from tht anime

siso 05-31-2007 09:49 AM


Originally Posted by Haggis (Post 143170)
I'd like to be Ranma Saotome. I'd do lots of martial arts training, followed by a nice cold shower :D

And touch yourself... you dirty!:D

Haggis 05-31-2007 07:09 PM

Gotta keep that grin on my face.

TegoshiKawaiiDesu 06-01-2007 04:21 AM

is tht y u have tht picture?
lol ^_^

BlacKitty89 06-13-2007 05:15 PM

Hm...I'd like to be Chii from Chobits...she's so cute and she can surf on the I-net all the time! :)

And I'd like to be Shampoo or Akane from Ranma 1/2...they're also cute and man...they can fight! :)

And then I'd like to be Sarah from Angel Sanctuary...because Setsuna loves her so much!

I still know some...but their are my secrets..... ;)

Micheru 06-15-2007 09:38 AM

I would like to be Tifa lockheart, shes like my calm side.
And yuffi is more like my hyper side.
That is more of an animation though.
But there is last order so yeah..that works. :marusmile:

Sophieneechan 06-15-2007 10:39 AM

I would like to be Aoi-chan from Ai Yori Aoshi because she can do everything!
And I would like to be Chii from Chobits or Shinku from Rozen Maidens^^

And about a thousand other anime characters! ^_^

ThePsiren 06-24-2007 01:28 AM

If i had to choose I would be Motoko Kusanagi from G.I.T.S:S.A.C she's one of the best female character's out there no need describing.

TegoshiKawaiiDesu 06-25-2007 12:14 AM


Originally Posted by BlacKitty89 (Post 150652)
Hm...I'd like to be Chii from Chobits...she's so cute and she can surf on the I-net all the time! :)

And I'd like to be Shampoo or Akane from Ranma 1/2...they're also cute and man...they can fight! :)

And then I'd like to be Sarah from Angel Sanctuary...because Setsuna loves her so much!

I still know some...but their are my secrets..... ;)

lol good choices ^_^

TegoshiKawaiiDesu 06-25-2007 12:15 AM


Originally Posted by Micheru (Post 152906)
I would like to be Tifa lockheart, shes like my calm side.
And yuffi is more like my hyper side.
That is more of an animation though.
But there is last order so yeah..that works. :marusmile:

tifa lockheart? .................
is she the girl with the long brownish hair?
ive heard weird/nastly things bout her for some reason

TegoshiKawaiiDesu 06-25-2007 12:16 AM


Originally Posted by Sophieneechan (Post 152952)
I would like to be Aoi-chan from Ai Yori Aoshi because she can do everything!
And I would like to be Chii from Chobits or Shinku from Rozen Maidens^^

And about a thousand other anime characters! ^_^

out of all the stuff u said, i only chii
mayb i shud watch more anime XD
ahhhh! ive been taking too much anti-anime drugs lol

IamKira 06-25-2007 02:13 AM

I would soooooo be in Naruto as the coolest character ever........lol.....Naruto!!!.........he is the most respectable person in there along with rock lee.........they do not have either the wit or the "tools" that others are gifted with, but they try as hard as they can.......they never give up.............ever.........

Sakaru 06-25-2007 06:14 AM

umm I'd like to be Vegeta from DBZ...or Uryu from Bleach

Sakaru 06-25-2007 06:16 AM

lol or i wouldn't mind being Keitaro from love hina if my life would go like the story

CyberLolliDolly 06-25-2007 07:00 AM

Hi ^^

I don't have to want to be like my favorite Anime/Manga character-I practically am her. Or as close to her as one could be in real life, at least...

Her name is Nana Osaki and she's from, you guessed it, NANA. (It's Shojo but I'm sure there are guys who watch it, too, it's not like many Shojos) It's currently rated 'OT', for 'Older Teen', but after the 8th volume the rating will go up to 'M'. Which wouldn't bother me because NANA is too complex & mature of a series for youngsters to be watching anyway.

I'm 18, by the way. Personality-wise, I'm very much like Nana O (i.e. 'Punk Nana'). Our interests and idols are much the same. As is our taste in males (think Sid Vicious). And I could easily pull off her look if I wanted to. A leopard print fur jacket, leather jacket and Vivienne Westwood are all staples I own ;) (Plus too much more to mention xD )

I love Nana O. She's strong, independant, talented & makes Punk look classy & beautiful. I also love Ai Yazawa (the creator)-finally, someone giving Punks a good name.

Well, thanks for reading, anyway ^^ I think I've covered everything I wanted to say ^^;; Have a great day/night!

~Cyber Lolli Dolly~

HELLWALKER 06-25-2007 08:34 AM

i would like to be Gaara of course...our souls would kill everybody who stands on our way.........

ButterflyDemise 06-28-2007 06:47 AM

Haruhi from Ouran High School Club (I hope I spelt her name right). Heck, she has a bunch of guys pretty much chasing after her? Who wouldn't want that? xD

tiki808 06-28-2007 10:02 AM

anime character
I would want to be Haruhi from Ouran High School Host Club because she gets to be surrounded by 5 Hot guys and Hunny whos cute lol.

HardcoreSouma 06-28-2007 07:47 PM

Kaolla =]
Kaolla Su from Love Hina.

I'd love to have as much energy as she does, and she always looks really happy.

And the whole 'inventing giant missile-shooting robots thing', wouldn't be too bad either. =]

TegoshiKawaiiDesu 06-30-2007 12:38 AM


Originally Posted by CyberLolliDolly (Post 161153)
Hi ^^

I don't have to want to be like my favorite Anime/Manga character-I practically am her. Or as close to her as one could be in real life, at least...

Her name is Nana Osaki and she's from, you guessed it, NANA. (It's Shojo but I'm sure there are guys who watch it, too, it's not like many Shojos) It's currently rated 'OT', for 'Older Teen', but after the 8th volume the rating will go up to 'M'. Which wouldn't bother me because NANA is too complex & mature of a series for youngsters to be watching anyway.

I'm 18, by the way. Personality-wise, I'm very much like Nana O (i.e. 'Punk Nana'). Our interests and idols are much the same. As is our taste in males (think Sid Vicious). And I could easily pull off her look if I wanted to. A leopard print fur jacket, leather jacket and Vivienne Westwood are all staples I own ;) (Plus too much more to mention xD )

I love Nana O. She's strong, independant, talented & makes Punk look classy & beautiful. I also love Ai Yazawa (the creator)-finally, someone giving Punks a good name.

Well, thanks for reading, anyway ^^ I think I've covered everything I wanted to say ^^;; Have a great day/night!

~Cyber Lolli Dolly~

wts the main story bout?

TegoshiKawaiiDesu 06-30-2007 12:41 AM

im guessing tht a lot of girls like the type of girl who is chased around buy cute guys?
lol *cough* same here *cough*
hahaha! and the guys prefer the guys from DBZ, naruto, bleach etc.
wow. i kno some guys put down characters tht r from shoujo shows! thts good! but the majority from the guys' answers r from shounen XD
well most of the votes for the girls fall down to haruhi XD hahaha! yea!! who wudnt want to b her?? cute/nice/rich guys follow her around, right?

Suki 06-30-2007 05:05 PM


Originally Posted by YaksokuDa (Post 165241)
Imadori from School Rumble

Horny bastard. xD

musashi 06-30-2007 08:40 PM


Originally Posted by AnimeFreak (Post 26897)
Which anime show would you want to be in?
which character would you prefer to be???
include why you want to be that character!!!
*evil laugh*
i dont kno who id want to b... too hard to chose...
but YOU have to chose..!

well, I would want to be in the anime/manga Inu-Yasha. I hate Kagome so i think i would want to be either Kikyo or Sango because I like them, plus Sango is all "MIROKU" and i like Miroku! lol! But If i could be in Kingdom Hearts, I'd want to be Kairi so then i could ditch Sora and chase Riku, because Riku is better than Sora......lol! :mtongue: :D :mtongue:

Himechan 06-30-2007 08:54 PM

Hope I havent replied to this already...
Seems familiar...

Anyway, I think I'd like to be... Uh...

Hm. This ish hard T__T

Maybe Totousai's cow from InuYasha. I idolize that cow -nodnod-

Alright serious now...

I'd like to be Austa from Trinity Blood. I loved her character, and she was Abel's BFFL ^_^ I wanna be Abel's friend who's a girl ^_^

TegoshiKawaiiDesu 07-01-2007 01:43 AM

Hmm.. interesting.
Now, the girls are heading towards shounen shows. XD
Hm.. I've changed my mind from before, I WOULD like to be Haruhi, but I'm begining to change my mind to either Risa Koizumi or Nobu from Lovely Complex.
Nobu has the most perfect guy for her already, Nakao. They are such a funny couple! ^_^ Hahaha! Being Risa, on the other hand, has its own pro and cons. The pro are most likely ending up with the most dense/nice dude of the world, Otani, but the fact that she is tall and only averegely pretty with a unique style are its cons.

NaKa 07-01-2007 09:00 AM

I want to be Kino from Kino's Journey ^w^
She have many things I whish I had.
Like a talking moto called Hermes (Kinda cute X3 )
And she travel around the world. I like to do that (nearly) all the time XD
And then I like her style, and hair cut ;]
She is an amezing person.

TegoshiKawaiiDesu 07-02-2007 06:13 AM


Originally Posted by NaKa (Post 166132)
I want to be Kino from Kino's Journey ^w^
She have many things I whish I had.
Like a talking moto called Hermes (Kinda cute X3 )
And she travel around the world. I like to do that (nearly) all the time XD
And then I like her style, and hair cut ;]
She is an amezing person.

wt is it about?

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