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Suki 07-02-2007 10:15 AM


Originally Posted by NaKa (Post 166132)
I want to be Kino from Kino's Journey ^w^
She have many things I whish I had.
Like a talking moto called Hermes (Kinda cute X3 )
And she travel around the world. I like to do that (nearly) all the time XD
And then I like her style, and hair cut ;]
She is an amezing person.

I always thought Kino was a boy.

Haggis 07-02-2007 11:24 AM

It's nice to see someone else is really into Kino's Journey. This could easily end up being my favourite anime.

Even as early on as the second episode Kino is given a woman's engagement ring and becomes attached to wearing it, which kind of suggests that Kino is female. (I also thought Kino was kinda cute so I really hope I'm right about this)

Bit of an update here: found out that there is a 30 minute movie called "Kino's Journey: Life Goes On." in which Kino is obviously female, will have to check it out.

NaKa 07-02-2007 07:16 PM

In the start I also think that Kino was a boy XD
But in episode 4, you seen her, like a little girl, and as Haggis says, there is other think, were you can see, she's a girl ^w^

Haggis: I have seen Kino's Journey - Life goes on -, and it's really awsome... And it's right.. In this movie, she's a little girl.. She is kinda kawaii, but she shot with pistols XD

TegoshiKawaiiDesu: The animé Kino's Journey is about a girl called Kino, and her talking motocycly named Hermes... They're travelling around the world..They meets peoples in many diffrent worlds. It's a very awsome animé. And I think, all should see it.

Here's a link, were you can read more: +++ Kino's Journey +++

CPU 07-02-2007 09:42 PM

Kino is a girl, and the anime series is excellent ;)

I would choose a character most similar to myself, therefore my choice would be Batou from Ghost in the Shell, he is so much like me (except I smile more).

Suki 07-02-2007 11:05 PM


Originally Posted by NaKa (Post 167119)
In the start I also think that Kino was a boy XD
But in episode 4, you seen her, like a little girl, and as Haggis says, there is other think, were you can see, she's a girl ^w^

Ooooh right, thanks. I'm not into Kino's Journey that much, just seen some random episodes. But she does look like a boy, even the name is a boy's!

Sutiiven 09-14-2007 08:40 AM

anime character
i would have to say demon eyes kyo from samurai deeper kyo because he reminds me of myself sometimes and he is the best

kikidogisin 09-14-2007 08:45 AM

Millie Thompson from Trigun...
She gets to spend "quality time" with Wolfwood..:rheart:

Sachiko 09-14-2007 10:23 AM

haha... i wouldn't say that i'd wanna 'be' a character, but i would like to be in the series Princess Princess---haha, i love sakamoto sama!!!


Churrah 09-14-2007 08:20 PM

It's hard to say, my favourite characters are Konata, Tsukasa (both from Lucky Star), Sora, Yamato, Taichi (from Digimon) and Gir from Invader Zim (I dunno, but HMV [entertainment store... not that kind of entertainment, perve] classifies it at Anime :mtongue:).

If I had to pick, it'd be Yamato.

He's bonified badass.

youseikun 09-14-2007 09:54 PM

Oh my...there are so many O__O
Ichigo from Tokyo Mew Mew
Motoko from Ghost in the shell(she's sooo pretty O_O)
Chidori from Full Metal Panic
Kagome from Inyasha
Faye from Cowboy Bebop ^_^
Oh and the list goes on FOREVER!! X]

Yuna7780 09-14-2007 09:57 PM

Kyoko from Skip-Beat because she's such a cool person, some hot FAMOUS actor may be in love with her, and she's a great actress and I love acting...

MrCent 09-14-2007 10:04 PM

Goku, would be fun to be the most powerful person in the universe.

haynanimeluvah808 09-15-2007 02:37 AM

Temari, idk why bt i lyke da wind.....a lot and plus i want a large fan lyke her itz sooooo kewl

haynanimeluvah808 09-15-2007 02:40 AM

and maybe yachiru cuz we are both energetic and hyper all da tyme.....and she'z sooooooooooo CUTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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