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AnimeFreak 01-21-2007 08:19 PM

Which character of an anime show, would you want to be?
Which anime show would you want to be in?
which character would you prefer to be???
include why you want to be that character!!!
*evil laugh*
i dont kno who id want to b... too hard to chose...
but YOU have to chose..!

InsaneDoll 01-21-2007 08:26 PM

Well that`s not fair *taps table with fingernails*


Originally Posted by InsaneDoll (Post 26898)
I wish I was something close to Rio. Her innocence hides shrewdness and intelligence.

I would like to be in Ergo Proxy. Seen enough to catch my fully attention.

AnimeFreak 01-21-2007 08:32 PM


Originally Posted by InsaneDoll (Post 26899)
Well that`s not fair *taps table with fingernails*

I would like to be in Ergo Proxy. Seen enough to catch my fully attention.

lol ok
u certainly watch more anime than i do... im younger than you [i think] so its only natural... ive only seen like up to... 40 anime shows...

InsaneDoll 01-21-2007 08:42 PM

Well, I think it`s the other way around. I`m actually 17 and I think I`ve seen less anime shows than you. Well...uhm...I have a local tv channel that shows only animes.

AnimeFreak 01-21-2007 09:00 PM

im younger than tht!!!
how many anime shows have u seen agen?
17... wow... ur way older than me!!! lol not really...

QueenNanami 01-22-2007 01:19 AM

If i got to choose to be a anime character i would want to be Nanami from Utena lol. She has her own slave who does all her work for her, and shes way popular. I love her attitude mostly her i get what ever i want and can do what ever i want lol. she's by far one of my fav ppl.

AnimeFreak 01-22-2007 01:25 AM

lol i havent seen tht show either...
i need to catch up on the latest anime shows...
though ive seen naruto, bleach and, fruits basket and thts about all the anime thts popular right now...

Maku 01-22-2007 01:29 AM

I'd want to be Keiichi from The Moment Cicadas Cry.
I'm not sure why, I just think he's cool.

QueenNanami 01-22-2007 01:30 AM


Originally Posted by AnimeFreak (Post 27153)
lol i havent seen tht show either...
i need to catch up on the latest anime shows...
though ive seen naruto, bleach and, fruits basket and thts about all the anime thts popular right now...

lol Utena's a good show at first i didnt understand it as always and i thought they were weird. I mean come on a girl wanting to be a prince?? but as i watched on i noticed how awsome it all was. n.n

LadyShinigami 01-22-2007 03:07 AM

I think you already know but I want to be Miaka from Fushigi Yuugi or the other main characters in Yuu Watase's work :) :rheart:

AnimeFreak 01-22-2007 04:29 AM

thts kool...

InsaneDoll 01-22-2007 11:40 AM


Originally Posted by AnimeFreak (Post 26912)
im younger than tht!!!
how many anime shows have u seen agen?
17... wow... ur way older than me!!! lol not really...

I`ve seen enough animes to become a freak but kinda few compared to others. I`m not giving numbers cause it`s not a contest and I`m easily embarassed.

Maku 01-22-2007 11:52 AM

I can safely say that I haven't seen a lot of anime, but I've seen enought o become pretty addicted to it.
Apparently, from young adulthood onwards, watch cartoons and anime etc is a way for people to reconnect with their youth, or making up for a youth that they missed out on.
If that's true, then mine would be the second one, seeing as I had to grow up fast, aged 10 after my father had a serious heart attack, making him permanently brain damaged. So, I've had to look after him and my autistic older brother.

But, now, at 17, I get to make up for lost years by spending most of my free time watching anime ^.^

aphrodite 01-22-2007 01:07 PM


person-ino so i can be with shikamaru

limegreen 01-22-2007 02:09 PM

i'd wanna be someone from the naruto fillers wha appears for 2 minutes

InsaneDoll 01-22-2007 04:12 PM


Originally Posted by Maku (Post 27418)
I can safely say that I haven't seen a lot of anime, but I've seen enought o become pretty addicted to it.
Apparently, from young adulthood onwards, watch cartoons and anime etc is a way for people to reconnect with their youth, or making up for a youth that they missed out on.
If that's true, then mine would be the second one, seeing as I had to grow up fast, aged 10 after my father had a serious heart attack, making him permanently brain damaged. So, I've had to look after him and my autistic older brother.

But, now, at 17, I get to make up for lost years by spending most of my free time watching anime ^.^

Wooow. I think that was tough for you. And I thought that taking care of my senile grandmother is hard.
And I think you`re right about making up for a wasted youth. It`s the same for me.

Rayfain 01-23-2007 07:16 AM

I would be Renji from Bleach, he's awsome and a Shinigami. What more could you want?

AnimeFreak 01-23-2007 07:33 AM


Originally Posted by InsaneDoll (Post 27416)
I`ve seen enough animes to become a freak but kinda few compared to others. I`m not giving numbers cause it`s not a contest and I`m easily embarassed.

ok then...
lol i barely remember those anime shows ive seen... ive started ever since i was 4... and then at the age of 7, i had to stop bcus i went to america... after... about... 4 years, i discovered youtube having anime shows so i watched it ther...

AnimeFreak 01-23-2007 07:36 AM


Originally Posted by Maku (Post 27418)
I can safely say that I haven't seen a lot of anime, but I've seen enought o become pretty addicted to it.
Apparently, from young adulthood onwards, watch cartoons and anime etc is a way for people to reconnect with their youth, or making up for a youth that they missed out on.
If that's true, then mine would be the second one, seeing as I had to grow up fast, aged 10 after my father had a serious heart attack, making him permanently brain damaged. So, I've had to look after him and my autistic older brother.

But, now, at 17, I get to make up for lost years by spending most of my free time watching anime ^.^

thts so sad....
i never thought anything like tht cud possibly happen... i guess so... im not an adult really... i thought in this forum, ppl wer all young like my age but i guess not... XD
like myspace... most of my friends ther are as old as me...
well... im younger than them too but u kno wt i mean..

AnimeFreak 01-23-2007 07:37 AM


Originally Posted by aphrodite (Post 27433)

person-ino so i can be with shikamaru

shikamaru is kool!
he is super smart... wen he tries..

AnimeFreak 01-23-2007 07:38 AM


Originally Posted by Rayfain (Post 28030)
I would be Renji from Bleach, he's awsome and a Shinigami. What more could you want?

wt about.... ichigo? he is as dumb as renji... but has more shinigami powers... so thts more of wt id want from renji!!
renji is kool!!!
but... ichigo... idk... i usually like the main character most wen it comes to shonen

yoneko 01-23-2007 05:07 PM

japanese manga?
I am a fan of machiko Hasegawa.She wrote sazae san..When I open my pre primary school I will name it sazae san.

QueenNanami 01-23-2007 05:13 PM

Anime has been the only thing to comfort me for years. i started watching anime when i was around 12. my life got hard which i wont get into cuz its a touchy subject for me. the only thing that could make me feel happy was anime and drawing n.n :D

talalsalehmosa 01-23-2007 05:15 PM

if i would be a charecter in an animation show .....i would prefare school rumbles harima kenji .......because hes attidude similer to mine .......a deliqunt whos in love ........

Hisuwashi 01-23-2007 08:58 PM

Probably Sasuke... everyone loves him.

Ichirin 01-23-2007 09:02 PM

I think i'de be Light from Death Note, so i could kill people and have a pretty killer girlfriend :D

Hisuwashi 01-23-2007 09:04 PM

Killing people is kind of wrong though, even if it's criminals.

Ichirin 01-23-2007 09:05 PM


Originally Posted by Hisuwashi (Post 28277)
Killing people is kind of wrong though, even if it's criminals.

You're way of thinking, My way of thinking...
I think in many reasons killing is a fair price

Hisuwashi 01-23-2007 09:11 PM


Originally Posted by Ichirin (Post 28279)
You're way of thinking, My way of thinking...
I think in many reasons killing is a fair price

Isn't imprisonment better? Given that there is then the possibility of rehabilitating them.

AnimeFreak 01-24-2007 01:27 AM


Originally Posted by QueenNanami (Post 28208)
Anime has been the only thing to comfort me for years. i started watching anime when i was around 12. my life got hard which i wont get into cuz its a touchy subject for me. the only thing that could make me feel happy was anime and drawing n.n :D

and japanese songs... and talking in japanese...
i started watching ever since i was... 4

AnimeFreak 01-24-2007 01:30 AM

i agree killing is wrong but killing bcus they deserve to b killed is fine with me... if they killed someone for now reasen, HELL yea i want them killed!

Maku 01-24-2007 01:39 AM

I think like mass murderers and people like that shouldn't be killed straight away, because one life won't counter all the lives they've taken.
Instead, they should be put in confinement for the rest of their lives, refused parole and stuff like that, and only given food and things through a slot at the bottom of the door. That's worse than being put to death straight away - wasting away for the rest of your life.

AnimeFreak 01-24-2007 01:42 AM

lol ths true too

LadyShinigami 01-24-2007 07:22 AM


Originally Posted by Rayfain (Post 28030)
I would be Renji from Bleach, he's awsome and a Shinigami. What more could you want?

I totally agree with you :) But since i'm a girl I picked Miaka

Maku 01-24-2007 07:27 AM

I would want to be Byakuya, cos he's just got style in its purest form.
...And I'm cosplaying him when my hair gets longer :D

CoolNard 01-24-2007 07:42 AM


Originally Posted by Hisuwashi (Post 28283)
Isn't imprisonment better? Given that there is then the possibility of rehabilitating them.

I practically worship yagami light, lol. To me, it's not worth risking the happiness of a 100 people just for the sake of a lowlife criminal that might nt even have turned over a new leaf yet bcuz there's a also a possiblity that they'd get out of jail and commit crimes again soonafter. It doesn't take more than death to kill a man. I mean, if those criminals had hurt people b4, what's to stop them from sinning even more? So it should be strongly either life imprisonment or the death sentence for them.

SamuraiAlchemistNinja 01-24-2007 03:20 PM

Possibly, I'd like to be Kagome...jsut so I'd kill Kikyo and have InuYasha so already in love with me that it'd get to the point where he'd be like "Kikyo who?" lol...*evil laugh* MWHAHAHAHAH!
But I dunno, there's so many good choices...:p

fuu 01-24-2007 07:50 PM


Originally Posted by InsaneDoll (Post 27493)
Wooow. I think that was tough for you. And I thought that taking care of my senile grandmother is hard.
And I think you`re right about making up for a wasted youth. It`s the same for me.

Guys you still are youth so don't worry about having to make up for lost time. Lots of people like anime and trust me they are all different ages. My son 6 my son 9 and me (I'd rather not say how old I am thats how old I am)
don't worry how many you've watched It really isn't a contest just enjoy. Bottom line is it's fun!!!!!!

timushi 01-24-2007 08:09 PM

uh...can you say Miroku from Inuyasha?? i love his little perverted-ness and plus he kinda reminds me of me in a strange i cant believe this japanese woman has never met me kind of way...haha...ha?

timushi :vsign:

timushi 01-24-2007 08:16 PM

uh...can you say Miroku from Inuyasha?? i love his little perverted-ness and plus he kinda reminds me of me in a strange i cant believe this japanese woman has never met me kind of way...haha...ha?

timushi :vsign:

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