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Avary_Ninja 10-25-2006 07:36 PM


Originally Posted by MRZ (Post 1153)
Basilisk sounds somewhat close to the movie Shinobi. Maybe Shinobi was based on the anime of Basilisk?

That's right. Shinobi is based on Basilisk Koga Ninpo Cho, but the 90 minutes movie is a far cry from the richness of Basilisk. They had to drop a lot of context to make the movie. :( Still cool to watch though. ;)

Vesperd 10-25-2006 07:44 PM

Air Gear
Genre:Action, Fantasy sport
Total Episodes:25 and counting.. the show is still going on(i think, really havent watched any anime lately)

Air Gear is about a typical 13 year old, Minami Itsuki aka Ikki, the leader of East Side Gunz, Higachu Junior High school gang. After being utterly humiliated by a street gang of Storm Riders using Air Treck (abbreviated as AT), the Noyamano siblings gave him a pair of Air Treck and helped him to deal with them. When the incident is over, he finds that he really likes the feeling of "flying" and he is sucked into the world of Air Treck. In the earliest part of the story, it mainly focus with Ikki finding his footing as a Storm Rider among with little episodes of his friends' lives. Later, the story is further developed to look into the issues of the AT world when Akito and Agito appear.

Kanji_The_Wanderer 10-26-2006 04:18 PM

Wow, Airgears an anime? I had no idea. I shouldn't be surprised it is just so awesome of a novel.:D Way to go posting it Vesperd!!

kudo 10-26-2006 05:10 PM


Originally Posted by Kanji_The_Wanderer (Post 2705)
Wow, Airgears an anime? I had no idea. I shouldn't be surprised it is just so awesome of a novel.:D Way to go posting it Vesperd!!

hmmm, more reason to read manga and watch..

Vesperd 10-26-2006 05:12 PM

Always tempting to sit back and watch anime for days on ends again.. but nowadays im just too busy work.. sports.. friends etc :(

MasterHien 10-26-2006 05:28 PM

Get Backers

Genre:Action,comedy,super power

Story: Ban Mido and Ginji Amano, is known as the "GetBackers" who\'s motto is "If it\'s stolen, we can steal it back!". And the GetBackers success rate is always 100%. Always waiting around the Honky Tonk, clients call in to ask the GetBackers to retrieve something for them. And so, Ban and Ginji goes through many weird and bizarre cases as they set forth to "get back" the belongings...

check it out , funny anime

Vesperd 10-26-2006 05:30 PM

GetBackers was one sweet anime, the characters were well designed and Ban.. man he looks cool, i want that hairstyle and hey where do i get one of em purple mini-glasses :D

MasterHien 10-26-2006 05:37 PM

nah the one behind amano ginji hair is sick

rheny 10-26-2006 05:42 PM

genial a mi me encanta el anime mi primer anime favorito fue sailor moon y asi mil series que sigo encontrando ahora estoy viendo ouran host club ^^

Kanji_The_Wanderer 10-26-2006 05:44 PM

Ginji was awesome as the Lightning Emperor his hair was way cooler like that. that anime was so cool and the voices were awesome I loved the opening by Pierrot - "Barairo no Sekai" . I really liked Akabane and I thought "Makubex" was such a cool name!

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