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Nemhy 11-09-2008 06:09 AM

Higurashi no Naku Koro Ni
I'm halfway through the 2nd season...all I'm gonna say is wow this is some ****** up ****! Really good though if you like this kinda thing. anyone eles here see it?

MMM 11-09-2008 06:11 AM


Originally Posted by Nemhy (Post 624058)
I'm halfway through the 2nd season...all I'm gonna say is wow this is some ****** up ****! Really good though if you like this kinda thing. anyone eles here see it?

What kinda thing?

superheel 11-09-2008 06:27 AM

I thought i'm the only one watching it, i freakin love it. I'm only on episode 11 though...


Drend 11-09-2008 06:54 AM


Originally Posted by MMM (Post 624060)
What kinda thing?

It gets kind of gorey at times. Cut open little girls, little girls getting stabbed to death, nails getting ripped off, women with their faces beat in with teeth falling out, and a guy gets a hatchet into the top of his skull. Don't get me wrong, the whole series isn't a constant gorefest, these only happen at certain parts in each story.

superheel 11-09-2008 07:09 AM

It's kinda confusing at first but you'll understand it as you follow the story. It's full of suspense and yes, it get's really gory.

Hidetsugu 11-09-2008 09:18 AM

Ow!! I saw the two seasons and waiting so bad to the third ><!!! I will miss the characters but well, it must be so good...
Yes, at first it's confusing, different finales for the same history and each of them seem to be the right one, but at the 2nd season you can finaly know why all that happen

Nemhy 11-10-2008 03:57 AM


Originally Posted by superheel (Post 624063)
I thought i'm the only one watching it, i freakin love it. I'm only on episode 11 though...


it's Nipaa :P and.....SOOOO CUTE! I'M GONNA TAKE YOU HOME WITH ME! *ties you up*

They arent making season 3 XD the actual story is finished lol. Only a 5 episode OVA thats basiclly just a giant Filler where Rika Furude is the main char. They're making a live action though....hopefully it wont be a porn like the other one was XD

Nemhy 11-10-2008 04:01 AM


Originally Posted by Drend (Post 624070)
It gets kind of gorey at times. Cut open little girls, little girls getting stabbed to death, nails getting ripped off, women with their faces beat in with teeth falling out, and a guy gets a hatchet into the top of his skull. Don't get me wrong, the whole series isn't a constant gorefest, these only happen at certain parts in each story.

sorry for double post XD wanted to quote this also. Well it IS pretty violent but they don't really show alot. SPOILERS

When Keiichi beats Rina and Miyon they dont show much, the nails thing isnt that gorey, when Shion stabs Satoko it really isnt that bad, The hatchet through the head...yea thats all the way xD, when Rika gets killed by the Crows it doesnt show it, it doesnt show the grandma being tortured to death, it doesnt show the throat tearing all the way.

Soooo it IS violent but it doesnt show everything.....which is pretty dissapointing

Drend 11-10-2008 05:34 AM

You must not have seen the DVD versions. That was some bad stuff... For all that didn't know, tere's some kinda third season/OVA coming out.

alexlovesrock 11-10-2008 07:18 AM

wow..... violent. sometimes even i cant take it... just too much blood

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