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ChiAmaterasuNeko 04-15-2009 03:39 PM


Originally Posted by SSJup81 (Post 698248)
Adding on, the manga has yet to end. In Japan, to my knowledge, chapters come out monthly as opposed to weekly.

Hm, that's too bad. I wish it was weekly! And I do wish that there would be a second season, but like you said earlier in the thread, I don't see how there could be... TT^TT
But thanks for the info.

Tsuzuki 04-17-2009 11:44 AM

:cool: :vsign:

kawaionigiri 04-18-2009 03:10 AM

finally I found tread that discuss about kuroshitsuji!

I just finish watch it last night

and I totally in :rheart: with ciell! XD

but the ending is pretty weird for me (because I hate when it's come to end)

why ciel is died?

I thing sebastian saved him

and how about the other??

ahhhh I hate the part when sebastian take ciel's soul!!:mad:

Tsuzuki 04-22-2009 11:41 AM


Originally Posted by kawaionigiri (Post 699700)
why ciel is died?

I thing sebastian saved him

oO I thought you watched it?!? x) normal Ciel has dyed with his parents o.o but Sebastian asked him if he want a contract o.o (his soul) Ciel just lieved as long as they found the guy who killes his parents x3

Kufufunofu 07-07-2009 09:19 PM

can't wait 'till season 2 >.<
airs probably early 2010..idk

wolf_requiem 07-31-2009 03:23 PM

I am absolutely in love with this series! I wish I could've seen the musical, but oh well, the dvd's supposed to come out in December, so can't wait (hope someone uploads it, lol). I'm curious about the 2nd season too.

I'm playing the DS game right now, and plan to eventually create a detailed walkthrough and review. I think it's cute!

Sebastian nendoroid is so cute! I'm so glad I pre-ordered him, because he's selling out like hot cakes. I can't wait for the Ciel one! I want to do a travelogue with them, you know what I mean? Where you pose them wherever you go and you get really cute photos?

SSJup81 08-03-2009 08:23 AM

I just found out yesterday that the Kuroshitsuji manga is licensed now (will be known in the states as "Black Butler" [direct translation]) and going to be released in some manga magazine starting this month. Not sure what. Can't remember since I don't read manga magazines. ^^; I prefer my manga series in tankoubon format. Too bad there aren't enough chapters to start releasing in that way.

The way Japan releases Kuroshitsuji manga chapters is in magazine form but it's monthly. Right now, the manga is only up to chapter 18 so can't really release tankoubon format yet I guess. Not far enough ahead for the states to do that yet.

TenmaAi 08-03-2009 03:51 PM

AH I Wuvvels Kuroshitsuji!
I cried at the ending and I love Sebastian and Undertaker-sama xD

YukisUke 08-04-2009 05:02 AM


Originally Posted by TenmaAi (Post 756131)
AH I Wuvvels Kuroshitsuji!
I cried at the ending and I love Sebastian and Undertaker-sama xD

What's it about anyway? I heard from my friend that it's good.

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