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Trouble 01-03-2009 01:34 AM

Keitaro from Loving Hina? It'd help if you told us about what age you look like if telling us your actual age isn't ok.
I'd say if you're short, cosplay as Hitsugaya Toushiro from Bleach, if you're tall and muscular...probably as Kenpachi from Bleach, or if you're just a normal sized person, then I'd say dress up as the always-safe Naruto.

ccppfan 01-04-2009 05:37 AM

Do you have long hair or short hair? That's pretty important... I mean, you can't cosplay as Yuri Lowell from ToV if you have short hair. O.o

Here's a list:

Short Tall Normal

Long hair idk Yuri Lowell idk

Short hair Conan (XD) Shinichi (LOL) um... just... Lloyd Irving XDDD

Yes, they are all from Tales or Conan, and yes, I don't know mush people that are short AND has long hair. XDDD

HIalchemist 01-04-2009 06:12 AM

do Kaji from Evangelion

noonboy 01-04-2009 06:20 AM

lol go find a tv box an do domo kun lol

Uriko 01-04-2009 06:52 AM

Kyo. from fruits basket.

c'mon..you know you wanna.

sailorkittehxoxo 01-05-2009 07:35 PM


Originally Posted by Trouble (Post 656788)
Keitaro from Loving Hina? It'd help if you told us about what age you look like if telling us your actual age isn't ok.
I'd say if you're short, cosplay as Hitsugaya Toushiro from Bleach, if you're tall and muscular...probably as Kenpachi from Bleach, or if you're just a normal sized person, then I'd say dress up as the always-safe Naruto.

I have short hair that is brown.

Im 5'8

and im 13.

Trouble 01-05-2009 11:46 PM


Originally Posted by sailorkittehxoxo (Post 658805)
I have short hair that is brown.

Im 5'8

and im 13.


Aota 01-05-2009 11:49 PM

Agito from Air Gear. >>

SHAD0W 01-05-2009 11:52 PM


Originally Posted by Trouble (Post 659054)

lmao love hina cosplay for the win!

don't forget your pocky! :p

Trouble 01-05-2009 11:53 PM

You and your pocky >.>
But seriously, considering he's tall and has short brown hair, all he'll need are some glasses and the clothes and he's set. and possibly tan a little...

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