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sailorkittehxoxo 12-30-2008 10:27 PM

Im Going To A Convention, Cosplay Who?
I need a cosplay character. XD I dont care about hair right now, because i can dye it most colors..

VampireGirl1314 12-30-2008 10:31 PM

well you could go as someone as Zero from vampire knight or Yuki or Kyou from fruits baskets well there are a lot on my mind right now so let me think about and ill get back to you.>^_^<

sailorkittehxoxo 12-30-2008 10:35 PM


Originally Posted by VampireGirl1314 (Post 654707)
well you could go as someone as Zero from vampire knight or Yuki or Kyou from fruits baskets well there are a lot on my mind right now so let me think about and ill get back to you.>^_^<

Okay :) I havent read vampire knight yet though..

sailorkittehxoxo 12-31-2008 02:18 AM

bumpedy bump

strawberryshinya 12-31-2008 02:24 AM

you still need more suggestions? O_O?

Koir 12-31-2008 02:32 AM

*this space intentionally left blank*


peterv20 12-31-2008 02:36 AM

just choose your fave characters or anime/manga heros.:mtongue:

Strike7785 12-31-2008 02:55 AM

why not Moka from Rosario+Vampire. She has a two part personality so picking one of those would be very interesting

sailorkittehxoxo 12-31-2008 04:04 PM

Im a boy ^^

But if the girl is boyish and short hair id consder XDXD

jasminoodle 01-01-2009 11:06 PM

go as me XD lol
it depends whether you want an easy or a hard costume. im currently making two. im making konata form lucky star and noodle from gorillaz (ok shes not anime but watev :P)

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