Originally Posted by izzysparkle
Alright, so I don't understand why some people don't like the new pokemon shows.
(Diamond and Pearl, battle frontier, etc)
If you are a true Pokemon fan you will still like it no matter what.
I mean, I miss Misty, sort of. And the new team rocket intro is really gay. BUT STILL.
I actually quite enjoy it.
I want to know why people don't like the newer episodes.
For me, it's just not the same, then again, Pokemon stopped being shown here back in 1999, and a friend taped eps for me, so I only got to see the first two seasons fully. They just started it back up a few years ago, to my knowledge, on Cartoon Network, so I missed out on a lot. Just by the time it game back, I just wasn't into the series anymore and it's not just the anime, I started to get bored of the games too. Got a bit bored of them after Gold/Silver/Stadium II. I've played some of the newer games, when I get in the mood to try something new, but not much worth talking about.
Maybe if the anime went back to the show's original premise...somewhat, I could get back into it. I kinda miss when it was just 150 and Mew (151). I wish the story could get a bit darker, like in the games, where TR is concerned, but I know that's not happening. I wish the anime could end, cause I feel that the show would have a really interesting one, which would probably include the return of most of those he's met on his travels. Of course, I know this is never going to happen at the rate it's going. As long as Nintendo keeps putting out games, Japan'll always have something to pull from for the animated series.
Pokemon, to me, is the same as Sentai in Japan...both are hugely popular, and show no signs of dying off anytime soon.